
2016年4月18日のブックマーク (4件)

  • 'I was born without a womb, cervix and vagina'

    Joanna Giannouli, 27, has a condition which means she has no womb, cervix and upper vagina. Here, she explains the challenges of a syndrome that affects around one in 5,000 women. When we first saw the doctor, my father put on a brave face. My mother, on the other hand, didn't take it so well. She blamed herself for the past 10 years. It was really heartbreaking to see her like that. We didn't tal

    'I was born without a womb, cervix and vagina'
    kazutox 2016/04/18
  • 「生理用品が不謹慎」という誤解について考えてみた : おち研

    地震と被災地への関心が高まる中、「東北の時は支援物資の生理用品が不謹慎という理由で配布されなかった」なる話がたくさん回ってきました。 生理用品はどう考えても日用の必需品なので、言ってる意味が全く判りません。 ただ何故そのような誤解が生まれたのか理解しないと対策が取れない気がするので、原因と背景について考えてみました。 「生理用品が不謹慎」って何 とりあえず「生理用品が不謹慎」の意味が判らないので、検索してみたら何かいろいろ出てきました。 性行為の後始末に使われる道具と勘違いされてる説 避妊具と勘違いされてる説 「男の生理現象と似たようなもの」だと思われてる説 男子が変な気を起こす説 うへぇ…何だこれ。Σ(´Д`;) 避難所で不足する生理用品と赤ちゃん用品 話の文脈が判らないと判断できないので元ソースを探してみたんですが、細かく検索したものの該当するような話は見つかりませんでした。 似た

    「生理用品が不謹慎」という誤解について考えてみた : おち研
    kazutox 2016/04/18
  • Brazil crisis: Rousseff loses lower house impeachment vote

    Pro-impeachment supporters celebrated their victory, as Wyre Davies reports Parliament in Brazil has voted to start impeachment proceedings against President Dilma Rousseff over charges of manipulating government accounts. The "yes" camp comfortably won the required two-thirds majority in the vote in the lower house in Brasilia. The motion will now go to the upper house, the Senate, which is expec

    Brazil crisis: Rousseff loses lower house impeachment vote
    kazutox 2016/04/18
  • Is it fair for Shakespeare to overshadow Cervantes?

    Miguel de Cervantes and William Shakespeare died days apart, 400 years ago, each of them a giant in his own language and literary tradition. But a difference in the scale of quatercentenary celebrations in their respective countries and around the world is leading some fans of the author of Don Quixote to cry foul. While "all the world's a stage" for the British bard thanks to the rollout of the m

    Is it fair for Shakespeare to overshadow Cervantes?
    kazutox 2016/04/18