Galatea of the Spheres (1952) by Salvador Dalí (Credit: Archivart/Alamy Stock Photo)
As The Selfish Gene notches up 40 years in print, BBC News asked Richard Dawkins whether his most famous book is relevant today (answer: yes), whether he has any regrets about public spats over religion (no), and whether he is quitting Twitter (sort of). "I'd so much rather talk about this than about politics." This, from a thinker most famous as a fearless firebrand, sounds rather incongruous. Bu
サクサク衣にほっくりじゃがいものコロッケ。 老若男女、子供から大人までみんな大好きですよね。ですが、コロッケって油で揚げるし、小麦粉に卵にパン粉と用意するのも大変だし手も汚れる…… そんな大変なイメージありませんか?そう思っているそこのアナタ! 実はコロッケはフライパンで手軽に作れてしまうんです!面倒くさがり屋のそこのアナタも、この機会にぜひチャレンジしてみてはいかがでしょうか? 基本のフライパンコロッケ 《材料 1人分》 じゃがいも・・・・200g 豚挽き肉・・・・・50g 玉ねぎ・・・・・・1/4個 パン粉・・・・・・10g 牛乳・・・・・・・大さじ1/2 オリーブオイル・・小さじ1 塩、胡椒・・・・・少々 《作り方》 1. フライパンにパン粉を入れ、きつね色になるまで弱火で乾煎りする。 2. 玉ねぎはみじん切り、じゃがいもは一口サイズに切る。じゃがいもは耐熱容器に入れ、ラップをかけ、
Later this week, President Obama plans to visit a memorial in Hiroshima, Japan, that displays a large photograph of the city’s destruction seven decades ago. The striking image is typically identified as a mushroom cloud. But nuclear experts say it actually shows billowing smoke from a raging firestorm. “This is not a mushroom cloud,” said Richard L. Garwin, a noted bomb designer and longtime advi
Alexander Van der Bellen has won Austria's presidential election, preventing Norbert Hofer from becoming the EU's first far-right head of state. Mr Van der Bellen, a pro-EU independent backed by the Greens, beat Mr Hofer by just 31,000 votes among the 4.64m cast. The president-elect vowed to address the "divisions" among Austrians that the poll had "made visible". Mr Hofer's campaign had targeted