
2016年11月14日のブックマーク (4件)

  • ‘We Couldn’t Believe Our Eyes’: A Lost World of Shipwrecks Is Found (Published 2016)

    https://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/12/science/shipwrecks-black-sea-archaeology.html An image of the well-preserved medieval ship found at the bottom of the Black Sea, one of more than 40 wrecks discovered. Photogrammetry, a process using thousands of photographs and readings, produced a rendering that appears three-dimensional.Credit...Expedition and Education Foundation/Black Sea MAP

    ‘We Couldn’t Believe Our Eyes’: A Lost World of Shipwrecks Is Found (Published 2016)
    kazutox 2016/11/14
  • New Zealand hit by aftershocks after severe earthquake

    Strong aftershocks have rocked New Zealand following a 7.8-magnitude earthquake that killed two people. The South Island has seen hundreds of tremors, including a 6.3-magnitude quake, after the initial one struck after midnight on Monday. The epicentre is northeast of Christchurch, near the town of Kaikoura which has been cut off by landslides. There are believed to be up to 1,000 tourists strande

    New Zealand hit by aftershocks after severe earthquake
    kazutox 2016/11/14
  • Paris attacks: Bataclan reopens, but wounds are not closed

    Stephane Toutlouyan was one of those taken hostage by the gunmen inside the Bataclan last year. He's been back since then, he said, but he decided to avoid the Sting concert, as the horrific memories were still too strong. "When I realised that they were terrorists from IS, I thought it could only end in death," he told the BBC. "When I remember how the police assault took place, I don't understan

    Paris attacks: Bataclan reopens, but wounds are not closed
    kazutox 2016/11/14
  • うんこ漏らした

    心の傷が癒えたのでその記録を、、まさか自分が書くことになるとは。 07:00、起床した時点ですでに若干の腹痛を覚える。元来、私はあまり胃腸が強くないので、あまり気にしていなかった。 07:30、朝後、大便をする。ややゆるいが、この時点であまり危機感はなかった。 07:45、腹痛があったが、これ以上トイレに篭っているわけにもいかいないので出勤。今思えば、この判断が間違っていた。 07:50、家を出てから5分、急に腹痛がひどくなる。家から最寄りの駅まで徒歩15分ぐらい。駅近くまでコンビニ等はない。「こりゃ遅刻かな、、」と思いつつ、渋々一旦家に戻ることに。 腹痛はどんどんひどくなる。朝に大便をしたせいか、括約筋もやや緩み気味。「やばい、、漏れる、、」「歩くべきか走るべきか、それが問題だ。」朦朧とした意識の中、自宅が見え始めるが、朝の下痢の時点でややヒリヒリしていた私の括約筋にあまり粘る力は残さ

    kazutox 2016/11/14