
2016年12月20日のブックマーク (7件)

  • The pointy-nosed blue ratfish Hydrolagus trolli - YouTube

    Video observations of Hydrolagus cf trolli, the pointy-nosed blue ratfish, from the Northeast Pacific ocean represent a range extension for the species and are the first ever of this animal alive, in its natural habitat. The species was originally described from specimens collected off New Caledonia in 2002. It was named in honor of Alaskan artist Ray Troll because of his fascination and appreciat

    The pointy-nosed blue ratfish Hydrolagus trolli - YouTube
    kazutox 2016/12/20
    by MBARI / Hydrolagus trolli なのか新種なのかはまだわからんとのこと
  • Why US liberals are now buying guns too

    Gun ownership has traditionally been associated with the right wing in America but the election of Donald Trump has prompted some left-wingers to join gun clubs - and even start preparing for the collapse of society. "I really didn't expect to be thinking about purchasing a gun. It was something that my father did and I rolled my eyes at him." Clara, a 28-year-old nursing student, grew up in the M

    Why US liberals are now buying guns too
    kazutox 2016/12/20
  • 宝石を食べる

    会社からの帰りにふと思い立ち、宝石を買うためにスーパーに寄った。 買い物カゴを手に取り、奥の方に進んでいくと、肉コーナーと鮮魚コーナーの間に宝石コーナーがある。 そこではルビーやエメラルドやメノウなど、だいたいの宝石が売っている。 私はそれらを品定めしながら、帰ったら宝石をどのように調理しようか考えていた。 私は、宝石の中では翡翠が一番好きである。甘いような、少し酸っぱいような味は和にもよく合うし、冷蔵庫で冷やしたものをそのままべても美味しい。 しかし、残念な事に翡翠は既に売り切れていたので、色々悩んだ結果、ガーネットと真珠とサファイアを買うことにした。 ガーネットはザクロ石という別名の通り、少し茶色がかった透き通った赤色で、球状の粒がザクロのように塊になっている。 味は酸っぱくもなく苦味もないのでべやすい。干し柿の甘さに似ている。 真珠はプニプニとした感に好き嫌いが分かれるが、今

  • Pregnancy alters woman's brain 'for at least two years'

    Pregnancy reduces grey matter in specific parts of a woman's brain, helping her bond with her baby and prepare for the demands of motherhood. Scans of 25 first-time mums showed these structural brain changes lasted for at least two years after giving birth. European researchers said the scale of brain changes during pregnancy were akin to those seen during adolescence. But they found no evidence o

    Pregnancy alters woman's brain 'for at least two years'
    kazutox 2016/12/20
  • Why Japan celebrates Christmas with KFC

    After the manager of Japan’s first KFC overheard foreigners talk of how they missed Christmas turkey, a nationwide tradition was born (Credit: Getty Images) How a fast-food marketing campaign turned into a widespread Yuletide tradition for millions. Every Christmas, Ryohei Ando gathers his family together for a holiday tradition. Just like their father did as a child, his two children will reach d

    Why Japan celebrates Christmas with KFC
    kazutox 2016/12/20
  • Berlin Breitscheidplatz: Lorry kills 12 at Christmas market

    "I saw people under the truck": Eyewitness Jan Hollitzer filmed the scene moments after the suspected attack An articulated lorry has ploughed into a busy Christmas market in the heart of Berlin, killing 12 people and injuring 48. Germany's Interior Minister, Thomas de Maiziere, said "many things" pointed to a deliberate attack. Police said on Twitter that the lorry driver had been arrested, and t

    Berlin Breitscheidplatz: Lorry kills 12 at Christmas market
  • Russian ambassador to Turkey Andrei Karlov shot dead in Ankara - BBC News

    A Turkish policeman has shot dead Russia's ambassador to Turkey, Andrei Karlov, apparently in protest at Russia's involvement in Aleppo. The killer has been identified as Mevlut Mert Altintas, 22, a member of the Ankara riot police. It was not clear if he had links to any group. The incident happened a day after protests in Turkey over Russian support for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Turkey's

    Russian ambassador to Turkey Andrei Karlov shot dead in Ankara - BBC News
    kazutox 2016/12/20