I made a pair of sandals from loya cane. Walking bare footed in the bush generally doesn't cause problems for my feet. But when repetitively carrying loads of various materials the soles of the feet become cracked and split. So I made some basic footwear for the purpose of working on rough surfaces. I cut some cane and measured out a length 6 times the length of the foot (about 1.5 m), folded it
誕生日になると、自分の友達のいなさに絶望する おめでとうメールなんて来ないし、一緒に祝ってくれる人もいないし 彼氏もなし 毎年産まれてきてごめんなさいって思う 【追記】 見てない間に沢山ブコメにトラバついててびっくりした。 みんなありがとうございます。 こんなに祝ってもらえて凄く嬉しいです。 自分からも積極的にお祝いしていこうと思う。 今日が誕生日の人おめでとうございます!
The new White House communications director has become obsessed with leaks and threatened to fire staffers if he discovers that they have given unauthorized information to reporters.Photograph by Jabin Botsford / The Washington Post / Getty On Wednesday night, I received a phone call from Anthony Scaramucci, the new White House communications director. He wasn’t happy. Earlier in the night, I’d tw