さて第九があちこちで聞こえてくる季節になりました。ここいらで下半期の増田アワード20選をお届けします。上半期編は下のリンクからどうぞ。 nogreenplace.hateblo.jp 選考基準は上半期編と同じく特にこれと言ったものはありません。強いて言うならば後でこうやって振り返りたいなと思ったものです。そういうわけでブクマ数が少ないものも結構あります。例によって賞の名前は適当です。そして例によって選者は唐突な下ネタに滅茶苦茶弱いです。それではどうぞ。 夜のエモーショナル賞 anond.hatelabo.jp 評)増田って基本書き捨て前提だからなのか、一回読めばそれで充分というような記事が多い。だけどこれは何度か読みたくなる。文体の軽さとかその割には何を言ってるんだかよくわからない内容とか、あと狭いスペースを覗き見しているような罪悪感とか、そんなのがごちゃごちゃになった感じがいい。多分来年
It’s not easy to say that any particular scientific development was the most important in a given year. But if we had to choose some highlights, we’d opt for these unforgettable events and findings. Read about the year in climate change news here; Read about the year in medical and health news here; Read about the busy year in space here. The dangers of gene editingA scientist’s use of the Crispr
Yana Eglit is a Dalhousie graduate student dedicated to discovering novel lineages of the single-cell eukaryotes called protists. While hiking in Nova Scotia on a cold spring day in 2016, she fell back from her friends to scrape a few grams of dirt into a plastic tube. (Such impromptu soil sampling, she said, is “a professional hazard.”) Back in the lab, Eglit soaked her sample in water, and over
Japan says its official position on commercial whaling and the International Whaling Commission (IWC) has not changed. Photograph: JEREMY SUTTON-HIBBERT / HANDOUT/EPA Japan says its official position on commercial whaling and the International Whaling Commission (IWC) has not changed. Photograph: JEREMY SUTTON-HIBBERT / HANDOUT/EPA
The Central Asian nation of Kazakhstan is changing its alphabet from Cyrillic script to the Latin-based style favoured by the West. What are the economics of such a change? The change, announced on a blustery Tuesday morning in mid-February, was small but significant – and it elicited a big response. “This one is more beautiful!” Asset Kaipiyev exclaims in surprise. The co-founder of a small resta