
2016年1月31日のブックマーク (1件)

  • Introducing Day One 2

    The Road So Far… When Day One 1.0 launched nearly five years ago on March 9th, 2011, I had a hunch it could become something great. Fortunately, that hunch has paid off. Since Day One’s debut, users have caught the vision and seen Day One’s value as a simple way to capture life as you live it—a personal journal app for your life. Great reviews and sales have allowed Day One to grow into a mature p

    Introducing Day One 2
    kimuraw 2016/01/31
    ええ…いまどき独自サービスとか。。 "In Day One 2, Day One Sync is our only supported sync service." 『Introducing Day One 2 | Day One』