
レジスタに関するkiyo_hikoのブックマーク (1)

  • How to delete (not cut) in Vim?

    How can I delete a line without putting it into my default buffer? Example: line that will be copied. line that I want to be substitued with the previous one. What I'm trying to do: yy dd p But Vim replaces the recent copied string with the deleted (cutted) one. I know that I can use buffers like, "1yy, dd then "1p, but I always forget to put the copied string in a buffer then I need to paste my c

    How to delete (not cut) in Vim?
    kiyo_hiko 2023/03/03
    ブラックホール・レジスタ「"_」に貼ればいいらしいまたはヤンク・レジスタ「"0」の値ならdでは上書きされないからそれを使おうねという話 / 「q」してマクロ作る→y→/→d→p→/→d→p…するとき役立った
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