スタイルシートで実装する実用的なものからちょっと変わったものまで、25のテクニックをDesizn Techから紹介します。 25 Advanced CSS Techniques 1. CSS Gradient Text and Background テキストや背景をグラデーション表示。
Let’s say that you have a large image (or several large images) on a particular page, and you want to let visitors know that the image is loading. You could use a piece of javascript to embed a “loading” image for all images that have not yet loaded, but unless you are loading a ton of very large images on a single page, we have a much simpler (and cleaner) method to accomplish the same thing. Ste
Mike asks the CSS Guy about a scrolling trick with background images Mike writes: Check this out: http://econsultancy.com/reports.Scroll up/down... whaaaaat? :) How was this done? Answer: fixed background images. Let's look at some examples. Images For the basic effect, start with two same sized images, with a slight difference. For my example, I chose this color image and made second version of i