
2014年5月22日のブックマーク (3件)

  • Activity Streams

    Specifications: W3C Recommendations: JSON Activity Streams 2.0 and Activity Vocabulary (current W3C Social WG publications) JSON Activity Streams 1.0 (2011) Activity Base Schema Audience Targeting for JSON Activity Streams Responses for Activity Streams Draft: Verb Definitions for Activity Streams Draft: Priority Extension for Activity Streams Atom Activity Streams 1.0 Community: Join the mailing

    koriym 2014/05/22
    "人間(Actor)がオンラインで行う事” 例えばオンラインでビデオを見るとそれは"play"というアクティビティ。シーケンスをAtomで使用するとハイパーメディアにする事が可能。
  • microformats

    A (very) belated follow up to Getting Started with Microformats 2, covering the basics of consuming and using microformats 2 data. Originally posted on waterpigs.co.uk. More and more people are using microformats 2 to mark up profiles, posts, events and other data on their personal sites, enabling developers to build applications which use this data in useful and interesting ways. Whether you want

    koriym 2014/05/22
    "アプリケーションセマンティックスのためのプロファル定義で成功した最初の試み" クラス名でセマンティックディスクリプタを記述
  • Link Relations

    Created 2005-08-26 Last Updated 2023-09-18 Available Formats XML HTML Plain text Registry included below Link Relation Types Link Relation Types Registration Procedure(s) Specification Required Expert(s) Mark Nottingham, Julian Reschke, Jan Algermissen Reference [RFC8288] Note New link relations, along with changes to existing relations, can be requested using the [registry interface] or the maili

    koriym 2014/05/22