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Neuroscience, Psychology, and Religion: Illusions, Delusions, and Realities About Human Nature By Malcolm Jeeves and Warren S. Brown Templeton, 168 Pages, $17.95 There was a time when people worried whether God existed. Now, strangely enough, they are beginning to worry whether they existwhether beneath the flux of their experience there can be found any enduring self or soul or autonomous p
The conversation between science and religion has suffered two sad losses recently, with the deaths of Peter E. Hodgson, the English physicist, on December 8, and Fr. Stanley L. Jaki, the historian and philosopher of science, on April 7. I never met either, but the news of their deaths, coming so close together, stirred old memories. Thirty-one years ago, as a graduate student browsing the shelves
AGRUPAMENTO DE ESCOLAS DE VIEIRA DE LEIRIA Escola Secundária José Loureiro Botas 2004 / 2005 Name: _________________________ Class: 11 A Mark: ____________________ Date: __________________________ Number: ____ Teacher: Paula Vicente I. Read the following text attentively: 1 I am ready to bet that in your naivety you believe that advertising is the art of convincing people of the remarkable qualit