There was large support for renewables and for making energy supplies more efficient There is little public appetite across the world for building new nuclear reactors, a poll for the BBC indicates. In countries with nuclear programmes, people are significantly more opposed than they were in 2005, with only the UK and US bucking the trend. Most believe that boosting efficiency and renewables can m
第 14 回出生動向基本調査 結婚と出産に関する全国調査 独身者調査の結果概要 調査の概要 (1) 調査の目的と沿革 (2) 調査手続きと調査票回収状況 1.結婚という選択 -若者たちの結婚離れを探る- (1) 結婚の意欲 (2) 結婚の利点・独身の利点 (3) 結婚へのハードル (4) なぜ結婚しないのか? 2.パートナーシップ -ゆらぐ男女のかかわり- (1) 異性との交際 (2) 性経験 (3) 同 棲 3.希望の結婚像 -どんな結婚を求めているのか- (1) 希望する結婚年齢 (2) 希望するライフコース (3) 結婚相手に求める条件 (4) 子ども数についての希望 4.未婚者の生活と意識 -若者たちを取り巻く状況と意識- (1) 就業・親との同別居 (2) 未婚者のライフスタイル (3) 結婚・家族に関する意識 【調査のフレームワーク】 【付 表】 国立社会保障・人口問題研究所
The poll surveyed New Jersey residents about the uprisings in Egypt and the Middle East, and where they get their news sources. The study, which controlled for demographic factors like education and partisanship, found that "people who watch Fox News are 18-points less likely to know that Egyptians overthrew their government" and "6-points less likely to know that Syrians have not yet overthrown t