
ブックマーク / jp.techcrunch.com (72)

  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    Meta is once again taking on its competitors by developing a feature that borrows concepts from others — in this case, BeReal and Snapchat. The company is developing a feature…

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    kunipon 2013/11/21
    8枚のクレジットカードに変身する電子カードのCoinが質問に答える Y/Combinatorが支援するスタートアップが開発したCoinはクレジットカード型の電子デバイスで、Bluetoothで携帯電話と通信し、最大8枚のクレジットカードの役を
  • TechCrunch

    This pitch deck makes for some really interesting reading and storytelling, so let's dive in and see if we can spot what happened and how.

    kunipon 2013/11/14
    ノンネイティブが書いた英語の間違いをMicrosoft Wordよりも細かく見つけてくれる1Checker 【抄訳】 ケンブリッジ大学の二人の院生が作った1Checkerは、英語が母国語でない人たち向けの英語の校正ソフトウェアとして、Microsoft Wor
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    Live Nation says its Ticketmaster subsidiary was hacked. A hacker claims to be selling 560 million customer records. An autonomous pod. A solid-state battery-powered sports car. An electric pickup truck. A convertible grand tourer EV with up to 600 miles of range. A “fully connected mobility device” for young urban innovators to be built by Foxconn and priced under $30,000. The next Popemobile. Ov

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    kunipon 2013/11/06
    2014年からAndroidで電話をかけるとお互いのプロフィール写真が発信者情報として表示される GoogleはAndroidのダイアラーを今よりも賢くしようとしている。すでにKitKatの機能の一つとして、企業向けの発信者表示機能が発表さ
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    Live Nation says its Ticketmaster subsidiary was hacked. A hacker claims to be selling 560 million customer records. An autonomous pod. A solid-state battery-powered sports car. An electric pickup truck. A convertible grand tourer EV with up to 600 miles of range. A “fully connected mobility device” for young urban innovators to be built by Foxconn and priced under $30,000. The next Popemobile. Ov

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    kunipon 2013/11/02
    ブラで悩む女性のためにSizemは独自のアルゴリズムで正しいサイズを教えてくれる すべての女性読者よ、今あなたが着けているブラのサイズは(たぶん)正しくない。とっても残念ね。女性誌やランジェリーメーカーはいつ
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    Live Nation says its Ticketmaster subsidiary was hacked. A hacker claims to be selling 560 million customer records. An autonomous pod. A solid-state battery-powered sports car. An electric pickup truck. A convertible grand tourer EV with up to 600 miles of range. A “fully connected mobility device” for young urban innovators to be built by Foxconn and priced under $30,000. The next Popemobile. Ov

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    kunipon 2013/10/28
    TechCrunch Tokyoハッカソンで、500 Startupsに参加する日本人エンジニア2人が講演! すでにお伝えしているように、今年のTechCrunch Tokyo 2013ではハッカソンを併催予定だ。11月11日、12日の2日間、TechCrunch Tokyoと同じくベルサール渋谷
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    Live Nation says its Ticketmaster subsidiary was hacked. A hacker claims to be selling 560 million customer records. An autonomous pod. A solid-state battery-powered sports car. An electric pickup truck. A convertible grand tourer EV with up to 600 miles of range. A “fully connected mobility device” for young urban innovators to be built by Foxconn and priced under $30,000. The next Popemobile. Ov

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    kunipon 2013/10/28
    楽天は何故Vikiを買収した? 米TechCrunch共同編集長がTechCrunch Tokyoで両社にインタビュー また1つ、11月12日のTechCrunch Tokyo 2013のセッションが確定したのでお知らせしたい。楽天がGoogleとYahooを押しのけて2億ドルで買収した、コ
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    Live Nation says its Ticketmaster subsidiary was hacked. A hacker claims to be selling 560 million customer records. An autonomous pod. A solid-state battery-powered sports car. An electric pickup truck. A convertible grand tourer EV with up to 600 miles of range. A “fully connected mobility device” for young urban innovators to be built by Foxconn and priced under $30,000. The next Popemobile. Ov

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    kunipon 2013/10/28
    Truly.amはオンラインデート相手の写真を検証する顔認識サービス 今日(米国時間10/27)のTechCrunch Europeハッカソンで一番クールだったハックは、ここ数ヶ月間世界を股にかけてハッキングしているウルグアイのプログラマー2
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    Live Nation says its Ticketmaster subsidiary was hacked. A hacker claims to be selling 560 million customer records. An autonomous pod. A solid-state battery-powered sports car. An electric pickup truck. A convertible grand tourer EV with up to 600 miles of range. A “fully connected mobility device” for young urban innovators to be built by Foxconn and priced under $30,000. The next Popemobile. Ov

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    kunipon 2013/10/28
    “挫折しない”家計簿サービス「マネーフォワード」が5億円調達、クラウド会計に参入へ 家計簿に挫折してしまう要因の最たるものは「面倒臭さ」だろう。最近では「Zaim」や「ReceReco」など、スマホでレシートを撮影する
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    Monzo has announced its 2024 financial results, revealing its first full-year pre-tax profit. The company also confirmed that it’s in the early stages of expanding into the broader European market… Last week, TechCrunch paid a visit to Apple’s Austin, Texas manufacturing facilities. Since 2013, the company has built its Mac Pro desktop about 20 minutes north of downtown. The 400,000 square foot fa

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    kunipon 2013/10/19
    早くiOS版出ないかな。 いつでも「ネイティブ」に質問ができる、ソーシャル翻訳サービスのLinqapp | TechCrunch Japan
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    Live Nation says its Ticketmaster subsidiary was hacked. A hacker claims to be selling 560 million customer records. An autonomous pod. A solid-state battery-powered sports car. An electric pickup truck. A convertible grand tourer EV with up to 600 miles of range. A “fully connected mobility device” for young urban innovators to be built by Foxconn and priced under $30,000. The next Popemobile. Ov

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    kunipon 2013/10/04
    アクロバットのソースコードまで流出ですか(´Д`) Adobeがハックされる―290万人のユーザー情報とAcrobatのソースコードが漏洩 | TechCrunch Japan /
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    Live Nation says its Ticketmaster subsidiary was hacked. A hacker claims to be selling 560 million customer records. An autonomous pod. A solid-state battery-powered sports car. An electric pickup truck. A convertible grand tourer EV with up to 600 miles of range. A “fully connected mobility device” for young urban innovators to be built by Foxconn and priced under $30,000. The next Popemobile. Ov

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    kunipon 2013/09/18
    iOS 7の一般公開を控えて、旧バージョンiOSデバイスに旧バージョン向けアプリのインストールが可能になっている | TechCrunch Japan
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    Live Nation says its Ticketmaster subsidiary was hacked. A hacker claims to be selling 560 million customer records. An autonomous pod. A solid-state battery-powered sports car. An electric pickup truck. A convertible grand tourer EV with up to 600 miles of range. A “fully connected mobility device” for young urban innovators to be built by Foxconn and priced under $30,000. The next Popemobile. Ov

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    kunipon 2013/09/18
    遊んでみたい。 ディズニーのエンジニアが歯車と棒だけで動物の動きが驚くほど自然に再現できるデザイン・ソフトを開発 | TechCrunch Japan
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    Live Nation says its Ticketmaster subsidiary was hacked. A hacker claims to be selling 560 million customer records. An autonomous pod. A solid-state battery-powered sports car. An electric pickup truck. A convertible grand tourer EV with up to 600 miles of range. A “fully connected mobility device” for young urban innovators to be built by Foxconn and priced under $30,000. The next Popemobile. Ov

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    kunipon 2013/09/06
    Adobe Creative Cloudが写真家向け月額$9.99のプランを開始: Photoshop CC, Lightroom 5, Behance, 20GBのストレージなど | TechCru...
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    Google is embarrassed about its AI Overviews, too. After a deluge of dunks and memes over the past week, which cracked on the poor quality and outright misinformation that arose…

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    kunipon 2013/08/23
    この目指してる仕組み、ぜひ日本でも導入したい。 迷子ペットの識別に顔認識技術を使うPiP | TechCrunch Japan
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    Tesla CEO Elon Musk has secured enough shareholder votes to have his 2018 stock option compensation package approved. Shareholders also approved the company’s decision to re-incorporate of Tesla in Texas,…

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    kunipon 2013/08/15
    Gmailにもプライバシーはある(ただし, こんだけ) | TechCrunch Japan
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    Less than one year after its iOS launch, French startup ten ten has gone viral with a walkie talkie app that allows teens to send voice messages to their close… While all of Wesley Chan’s success has been well-documented over the years, his personal journey…not so much. Chan spoke to TechCrunch about the ways his life impacts how he invests in startups.

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    kunipon 2013/06/11
    なるほど、こうなるのね。 iOS 7のフラットデザインでアプリを開発するための移行ガイドをAppleが発行 | TechCrunch Japan
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    When Alex Ewing was a kid growing up in Purcell, Oklahoma, he knew how close he was to home based on which billboards he could see out the car window.…

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    kunipon 2013/05/28
    今年Khan Academyは学習の進捗診断とサイトの国際化に重点, Sal Khanが非営利教育の重要性を語る | TechCrunch Japan
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    When Alex Ewing was a kid growing up in Purcell, Oklahoma, he knew how close he was to home based on which billboards he could see out the car window.…

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    kunipon 2013/05/15
    ビデオメッセージングの大衆化日常化に賭けるCollaajがフリーミアムでローンチ | TechCrunch Japan
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    When Alex Ewing was a kid growing up in Purcell, Oklahoma, he knew how close he was to home based on which billboards he could see out the car window.…

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    kunipon 2013/05/14
    おや、私の回りディズニーラヴな人多いのよね。 注目のプライベート・ソーシャルネットワーク分野にディズニーが参入。写真やビデオを編集共有する「Story」、米国で公開中 | TechCrunch Japan
  • TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News

    Check Point is the latest security vendor to fix a vulnerability in its technology, which it sells to companies to protect their networks.

    TechCrunch | Startup and Technology News
    kunipon 2013/04/13
    Web上のビデオの好きな箇所をクリップできるReelSurferがデザインを一新 | TechCrunch Japan