
ブックマーク / www.makeuseof.com (17)

  • Hold That Thought: 5 Reasons You Need A Clipboard Manager

    When you think about it, copy paste is kind of weird. You copy stuff, but there's no way to see it. And if you copy over what you had, it's gone – forever. Clipboard managers address this by giving you a place to see all the things you've copied, and to restore an older item for pasting. But a clipboard manager isn't just a way to avoid losing things: it can also become a key part of your workflow

    Hold That Thought: 5 Reasons You Need A Clipboard Manager
    kunipon 2014/08/26
    まだ使ってない?仕事を効率化するクリップボードマネージャの利点 | ライフハッカー[日本版] 考えてみると、コピー&ペーストというのは、変なものです。何かをコピーしても、何がコピーされたのかは見ることがで
  • Apple Free Recycling Program Now Covers Every Retail Store Around The Globe

    Apple has just reiterated that it is committed to its green initiative and recycling. The company announced that every Apple retail store around the world will take back Apple products for recycling. Apple also has a gift card program for used iPhones, iPads and Macs deemed good enough to be resold (as determined by the PowerOn reseller service) in the U.S. Products that couldn't be re-used didn't

    Apple Free Recycling Program Now Covers Every Retail Store Around The Globe
    kunipon 2014/05/03
    米Apple社が無料リサイクルプログラムを全世界のストアでも展開 先日米Apple社は自社のエコ構想とリサイクル方針について発表しました。今回の発表では、世界中すべてのApple Storeがリサイクルのためにアップル製品を引き
  • How To Write A Great Lede When Writing For The Web

    Writing for the Web is a skill that's easy to learn but difficult to master. One of the hardest elements is concocting a great lede; ledes being the one chance you have of persuading readers to commit to an article in full. Which is exactly what you're doing in your head right about now. What Is A Lede? A lede, also known as a lead or intro, is that collection of words you see above you. It's an i

    How To Write A Great Lede When Writing For The Web
    kunipon 2014/04/24
    ウェブ用の文章で魅力的なリード文を書く5つのステップ ウェブ用の文章を書く、というスキルは簡単に学習することはできますが、極めることはとても困難です。最も難しいのが素晴らしい「リード」を作り上げることで
  • Invert Your Colors, And Other Tricks For Night-Friendly Mac Usage

    Is your Mac too bright in dark places? Whether you need to work in the dark without being noticed or want your screen to be easier on your eyes, we've found apps for that. If your eyes hurt when you use your Mac, it might be because you're staring a bright light in a dark room. Turning on some lights around you is a good idea, but it also might help if you make your Mac less bright. The first step

    Invert Your Colors, And Other Tricks For Night-Friendly Mac Usage
    kunipon 2014/04/17
    目にやさしいMacの使い方 : 画面のカラーや明るさの調整法あれこれ : ライフハッカー[日本版] MakeUseOf:暗いところでMacを使っていると明るすぎるようなことはありませんか? 誰かに気付かれないように暗闇で作業をし
  • Move Over Google Plus Hangouts. Appear.in Is Here & It's Really Good

    Video conferencing isn't something most people get excited about. Until recently, the field has been dominated by the likes of Polycom and Cisco in the enterprise sphere, and Skype and Google Plus picking up the slack in the consumer sphere. Commonly, video conferencing hasn't been done especially well. For the most part Skype stutters and glitches out more than a Max Headroom marathon, even with

    Move Over Google Plus Hangouts. Appear.in Is Here & It's Really Good
    kunipon 2014/02/13
    スカイプ、ハングアウトを超えうるビデオ会議サービス『Appear.in』 Make Use Of:ビデオ会議がとにかく大好きという人はあまりいないと思いますが、仕事上避けては通れない道だったりします。 Tags: via Pocket February 13, 2014 at 08:
  • Read Feedly Offline: Download Unread Items To An Ebook

    The Google News downloading service NewsToEbook now works with Feedly. With it you can download your unread items from Feedly to an EPUB or MOBI ebook file. The Google News downloading service NewsToEbook now works with Feedly. With it you can download your unread items from Feedly to an EPUB or MOBI ebook file, which you can then read on your offline e-reader. Kindle, Kobo, Nook and even your tab

    Read Feedly Offline: Download Unread Items To An Ebook
    kunipon 2014/02/02
  • What Happened When I Went Completely Offline For A Week

    Living in the Internet era has changed us to such an extent that the idea of having to live completely offline even for a little while sounds like a prison sentence. But it really isn't. Any day now, some biologist will declare that the DNA of the average 21st-century person is organized not into chromosomes, but into IP addresses. I, for one, won't be shocked by any such announcement, because tha

    What Happened When I Went Completely Offline For A Week
    kunipon 2014/02/01
    休暇を利用して1週間「完全にオフライン」になってみた顛末記 makeuseof:もうじきどこかの生物学者が、「21世紀の平均的な人間のDNAは、染色体ではなく、IPアドレスにコードされている」と言い出すかもしれません。 Tags: vi
  • How to Install Android on Your Windows Tablet

    Windows tablets are becoming more popular. But if you're looking for a bigger selection of apps, Android is the answer. While installing Android on a desktop PC is reasonably straightforward, you might find installation tricky on a Windows tablet. One problem is that tablets don't have a CD/DVD drive. So how can you install Android on a Windows tablet? We'll show you. What Tablet Are You Using? Be

    How to Install Android on Your Windows Tablet
    kunipon 2014/01/30
    え、そんなこと出来るの? Windows 8タブレットにAndroidをインストール、デュアルブートする手順 : ライフハッカー[日本版]
  • 8 iPhone IFTTT Recipes You Can't Live Without

    When IFTTT launched an iPhone app in July, it opened up a whole slew of new possibilities about how to put the incredibly handy service to even better use than ever. New channels accessible via the iPhone app allow access to your iPhone contacts, photos and reminders. Once you've activated the channels on your phone, you can create new recipes from the comfort of your browser. We've put together a

    8 iPhone IFTTT Recipes You Can't Live Without
    kunipon 2013/12/15
    便利すぎてナシでは生きていけない8つのiPhone用IFTTTレシピ MakeUseOf:7月に『IFTTT』のiPhoneアプリが発表され、この上なく便利だと思っていたサービスが実はもっと便利になり得る、ということを知り、その秘められた可能性
  • 15 Productive Things To Do Online When You Have 15 Minutes To Kill

    We cannot capture time. I think we can snatch it for…a small amount of time. It’s human nature to focus on large blocks of time, and ignore the value of the minutes and seconds that pass by unnoticed. We put a value to the time spent on a large project. We store the fortnight of a great vacation in our memories. But we don’t remember the time spent stuck in a traffic jam or that spent on catching

    15 Productive Things To Do Online When You Have 15 Minutes To Kill
    kunipon 2013/12/05
    15分の空き時間にオンラインでできる15の生産的活動 MakeUseOf:私たちは、まとまった長い時間のことは気にかけますが、数分や数秒といった短い時間は、知らないうちに過ぎ去っていることが多いです(時間のかかる大きな
  • Are There Still Any Legitimate Uses For a PowerPC Mac?

    Are There Still Any Legitimate Uses For a PowerPC Mac? Apple switched to Intel processors in 2006 – any Mac from before then uses the PowerPC platform. For a while Mac software was designed to work on both types of computers, but those days are for the most part gone. Put simply: you cannot use the latest Mac software on devices build before 2006. Whether you’ve had such a Mac for years, or picked

    Are There Still Any Legitimate Uses For a PowerPC Mac?
    kunipon 2013/12/01
    Appleに見放されたPowerPC Macを全力で活用する方法 PowerPCをノーマルなMacとして使う方法(対応アプリケーションの探し方)/OS XをLinuxに置き換える/自分専用のクラウドとして使う/ファイルサーバとして使う/Bittorrentマシ
  • Learning Photography? Join 8 Flickr Groups For Eye-Opening Lessons

    Flickr has been a home for serious photographers, and you will find the best clustered around Flickr Groups. Flickr remains the old watering hole for great photographs and tips on how to take them. Readers like you help support MUO. When you make a purchase using links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Read More. I know the feeling. You unboxed your camera and thought that taking p

    Learning Photography? Join 8 Flickr Groups For Eye-Opening Lessons
    kunipon 2013/11/21
    初心者歓迎。この8つのオススメFlickrグループできっと写真はうまくなる 新品のカメラを箱から取り出してシャッターを切れば、人を感動させられるような写真がすぐに撮れる... Tags: via Pocket November 21, 2013 at 03:18AM
  • The 14 Best Sites to Find Free Creative Commons Music

    Need to get hold of royalty-free Creative Commons music? Find everything you need for your projects on these sites. There are lots of times you might need to get hold of royalty-free, Creative Commons music. You could be putting together a short film, designing a video game, or recording a podcast; with the right license, you can use CC music for all of that. You can find plenty of free music acro

    The 14 Best Sites to Find Free Creative Commons Music
    kunipon 2013/11/09
    無料で使えるクリエイティブ・コモンズの楽曲に出合えるサイト14選 MakeUseOf:今までもイメージサイトをたくさん紹介してきましたが、クリエイティブ・コモンズ(以下、CC)は写真だけに終わりません。ビデオや音楽、ブ
  • 10 Unique Flickr Groups You Should Look Into for Creative Inspiration

    The best way to learn photography is to go out there and shoot. The second best way is to look at perfectly composed photos and get inspired. We do that by taking tips from the best photography blogs, and marveling at how the professionals do it on some of the eye-catching photography websites. After a hiatus, Flickr has come back into the frame. Of course, some keen photographers will say that it

    10 Unique Flickr Groups You Should Look Into for Creative Inspiration
    kunipon 2013/11/06
    僕が刺激を受けた名作写真/Flickrグループを教える 写真の腕を上げる最良の方法は経験を積むこと。そして次善の方法が、良い写真に触れて感動することです。 Tags: via Pocket November 06, 2013 at 11:48AM
  • 8 Easy Exercises To Help You Stay Fit At Your Desk

    How many hours a day do you spend sitting? Whether you're gaming, freelancing or have a hardcore desk-bound job, you're probably not moving enough. Not everyone has the time or ability to leave everything for 2 hours and go for a run or a bike ride, but that doesn't mean you have to give up. Staying fit at your desk is actually possible. Below you'll find a collection of exercises anyone can do. S

    8 Easy Exercises To Help You Stay Fit At Your Desk
    kunipon 2013/10/31
    職場でもできる8つの簡単なエクササイズ MakeUseOf:あなたは1日に何時間ぐらい座っていますか? フリーランスあるいは机にかじりつくような仕事している人は、あまり身体を動かすことがないでしょう。 Tags: via Pocket Octobe
  • USB Condoms Protect Your Data While You Charge

    A company by the name of Int3.cc has just introduced what they are calling USB Condoms, a small device that goes on the end of your USB plug to protect your data from "juice jacking", which is when someone is able to steal your data through a public charging station. Since most phones are set up to allow data transfer just by connecting to a USB port, the USB Condoms work by blocking the data tran

    USB Condoms Protect Your Data While You Charge
    kunipon 2013/09/23
    注目度の高いネーミングにして注意喚起もしたとは見事! ちゃんと着けてる? 公共の充電器でのデータ盗難を防ぐ「USBコンドーム」が話題に : ライフハッカー[日本版]
  • 5 More Places to Help You Find Quality Creative Commons Images

    5 More Places to Help You Find Quality Creative Commons Images There are lots of reasons you might need to find Creative Commons images. Last year, we introduced you to five great places to find Creative Commons images, with the list including heavyweights like Flickr and Google Image Search, along with a few more services you might not have heard of. Today we're updating that list, and adding 5 m

    5 More Places to Help You Find Quality Creative Commons Images
    kunipon 2013/08/09
    素材探しに便利! クリエイティブコモンズ画像を入手できる5つのサイト : ライフハッカー[日本版]
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