In the last days I received multiple requests to translate my posts for foreign readers, as they have very limited information about the happenings in Ukraine. This material describes events which took place in Kyev on January 22 and 23. Sharing and distribution is appreciated. 22 January 2014. Battles on streets of Kiev. I came to Kiev. I came to see for myself what is happening here. Of course,
Programmer's Day, also known as the Day of the Programmer, is a professional day that is celebrated in Russia on the 256th (hexadecimal 100th, or the 28th) day of each year (September 13 during common years and on September 12 in leap years). The number 256 (28) was chosen because it is the number of distinct values that can be represented with a byte, a value well known to programmers. 256 is als
Cosmonaut Crashed Into Earth 'Crying In Rage' : Krulwich Wonders... Everyone knew the mission would fail — the technicians, the pilot and the friend who would replace him if he deserted the mission. But Soviet leaders demanded a triumph in space, and so in 1967, Vladimir Komarov allowed himself to be launched towards his own death.
【写真と動画で見る】フル有機LEDキーボード「Optimus Maximus」 ~全キーにディスプレイを内蔵した夢のキーボード 発売中 ロシアのデザイン会社Art.Lebedevが、全てのキートップに小型カラーディスプレイを内蔵させたキーボード「Optimus keyboard」を発表し、世界中の話題をさらったのは今は昔。というと大げさすぎるが、最初の発表から約3年近くが経ち、途中製品の仕様や名称が「Optimus Maximus」に変わるなどの紆余曲折を経て、ようやくこの製品が4月8日に編集部に届いた。 まず、この製品を知らない人のためにも、その特徴を紹介すると、本製品には全てのキーに小型の有機LEDディスプレイが埋め込まれている。そのため、キートップの刻印を自由自在に変更できるのだ。 例えば、Shiftキーを押すと、キートップのアルファベットが小文字から大文字に変わる。マルチリンガルな