TRAMP (Transparent Remote Access, Multiple Protocols) is a package for editing remote files, similar to AngeFtp or efs. Whereas the others use FTP to connect to the remote host and to transfer the files, TRAMP uses a remote shell connection (rlogin, telnet, ssh). It can transfer the files using rcp or a similar program, or it can encode the file contents (using uuencode or base64) and transfer the
This page contains many contributed sources for Anything. It is starting to bulk up, perhaps we should consider splitting it into a few different page types? RubikitchAnythingConfiguration may contain newer version of rubikitch’s sources. To create your own anything sources, read ‘anything-sources’ docstring. Japanese translation is available. DiscussionWhat do you think about collecting those any
With the help of mmm-mode (see MultipleModes), psgml-mode (see PsgmlMode), php-mode (see PhpMode) and css-mode (see CascadingStyleSheetMode) can be combined to create a powerful web programming environment. (All fonts and colours can be adjusted as desired, of course.) First, you must install all four modes needed. There are reports where this doesn’t work as intended: indentation is totally screw
Ido lets you interactively do things with buffers and files. As an example, while searching for a file with C-x C-f, ido can suggest the files whose paths are closest to your current string, allowing you to find your files more quickly. Created by KimStorm, it has been built into Emacs since version 22. Using IDOPlace this in your InitFile: (ido-mode t)This will enable using Ido versions of find-f
At least, as far as I can see, Twit.el is effectively dead, and has been since the move to Open Auth. It had some great features, and it was a great project. So thanks to TherionTlax, H Durer, DaveKerschner Ian Eure, and any other contributors. --JonathanArkell If an enterprising developer wanted to make it live again, all they would need to do is change the auth scheme.
This package is no longer being developed since (last commit in 2012, see also The old webpage is no longer up, but may still be found at; the code may be found at DescriptionnXhtml is a package that may help for web development, but it also contains a lot of other things. For an overview see nXh
Zen Coding refers to a neat way to write markup quickly. The following blogs provide summary and examples: (skip the cruft about snippets)EmmetZen Coding has been renamed to Emmet and includes an expanded feature set
FlyMake performs on-the-fly syntax checks on the files being edited using the external syntax check tool (usually the compiler). Highlights erroneous lines and displays associated error messages. The project has been part of Emacs since Emacs 23, was then abandoned/maintained in various projects outside of Emacs for some years, but has recently had a revival in Emacs 26, so that many major modes n
Effortlessly download, install, and update Elisp files from the web or from a local buffer. Easily install packages from the Emacswiki ElispArea (with auto-complete of package name, and easy update of selected packages). Optionally view changes from previous versions of packages before installation. Please send suggestions and bug reports to rubikitch, he’s the new maintainer. Thanks! – AndyStewar
Artist is an Emacs lisp package that allows you to draw lines, rectangles, squares, poly-lines, ellipses and circles by using your mouse and/or keyboard. The shapes are made up with the ascii characters |, -, / and \. It is part of Emacs (though you may need to add a require statement for it) and can also be retrieved from You will use the mouse for drawing
Renaming to helmAnything.el was renamed to Helm in 2012. anything.elanything.el is a great application framework written by TamasPatrovics. It provides a totally new Emacs experience. While normal Emacs way is specifying action then selecting candidates, the anything way is narrowing and selecting candidates then executing action for selected candidates. It is something like “über-extensible spotl
NotesThere are several entirely different modes all called actionscript-mode.You may need to rename the below-files to actionscript-mode.el to make them work.For AS3ActionScript 3 is used in Adobe’s Flex 2 and above Austin Haas has created an actionscript-mode for AS3: Latest version hereA recent version is archived here: Lisp:actionscript-mode-haas-7.0.elThis does not work with newer Emacsen (CC-
Download;;; .emacs.el gentoo thierry ; $Id: .emacs.el,v 1.120 2008/03/23 09:09:59 thierry Exp thierry $ ;;; code: ;; no menu-bar (menu-bar-mode -1) (tool-bar-mode -1) (scroll-bar-mode -1) (setq-default cursor-in-non-selected-windows nil) ;;pas de dialog gtk (setq use-file-dialog nil) ;; Load all gentoo's files from site-lisp (mapc 'load (cddr (directory-files "/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/site-gento
Download Git ;;; start.el ;; Seiji Zenitani's configuration for Emacs 22/23/24. ;; I put this file in ~/lib/emacs/ and then byte-compile it. ;; The *.elc file is loaded from the following .emacs.el: ;; ;; ;; load all *.elc files... ;; (mapcar (lambda (x)(load-file x))(directory-files "~/lib/emacs" t "\\.elc$")) ;; basic setup (setq inhibit-startup-message t) ; don't show the startup message (setq
Binaries for OS XThe official Emacs fully supports Mac OS X (along with GNU/Linux, Windows, DOS, and then some). You can find precompiled versions of emacs and at Versions of macOS prior to 10.15 Catalina include a copy of GNU Emacs 22 without GUI support compiled in and thus Emacs is automatically available on all but the most recent versions of macOS via the