
ブックマーク / appmaster.io (4)

  • What is a Database Transaction? | AppMaster

    If you're working with databases, you've probably heard the term "transaction" thrown around. But what exactly is a database transaction, and why is it so important? In this article, we'll dive deep into the world of database transactions and explore the crucial role they play in maintaining the integrity and consistency of your data. From the ACID properties that ensure reliability to real-world

    mac10 2013/02/20
  • SLOBSERVER - L'actualité de Second Life

    关于敏捷工作流程的完整指南以及如何实施它 在当今的企业空间中,有效的项目管理对于商业成功至关重要。敏捷工作流循环是企业用来优化项目运行和完成方式的有效项目管理方法。这里有一份关于敏捷工作流程的完整指南,以及如何在企业中实施它。 什么是敏捷工作流程?敏捷是一种项目管理方法,用于在繁忙的商业环境中管理项目。敏捷工作流的原则是在最短的时间内向客户提供最高价值。因此,在敏捷工作流程模型中,一个项目被细分,并在被称为冲刺的小块可管理的时间内完成。每个团队成员都了解他们的任务,以及它如何与更大的敏捷流程相关联。通常情况下,每个冲刺阶段持续两周,之后对其进行评估,以审议已完成的工作和下一个冲刺阶段需要完成的工作。 高效的敏捷工作流程周期的步骤敏捷项目管理工作流程的实施可以细分为一系列的步骤,这些步骤相互配合以推动项目的最佳产出。这些步骤包含了一些活动,如创建一个跨职能的团队和建立可靠的沟通和协作机制。

    mac10 2012/07/18
  • Jtalk Smalltalk - documentation

    API (App Programming Interface) is an interface software program that helps to interact with other software like a user interface (UI). It is the primary entry point for a website and app, including third-party integration, making life easy for developers. This article is for those considering using APIs in their coding projects. Let's see, what are APIs? APIs provide a way for an app to interact

    mac10 2010/10/15
  • No-Code Design Tools You Need to Try in 2024 | AppMaster

    There is no doubt about the fact that the no-code development approach and drag-and-drop app builders have emerged as game changers in the software development industry. There is a large collection of no-code design tools available on the internet that make no-code development easy, smooth, and quicker for all kinds of people, even those with no technical expertise. In this article, you will learn

    mac10 2010/10/13
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