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Newに関するmadarax11のブックマーク (2)

  • AWS News Blog

    Top Announcements of the AWS Summit in New York, 2023 It’s probably no surprise that generative artificial intelligence and machine learning were the stars of the show, but there were several other bright lights from the day-long cloud conference. New Seventh-Generation General Purpose Amazon EC2 Instances (M7i-Flex and M7i) Today we are launching Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) M7i-Flex

    madarax11 2016/02/12
    LambdaファンクションからのVPC内リソースへのアクセス - Amazon Web Services ブログ
  • AWS News Blog

    Build RAG applications with MongoDB Atlas, now available in Knowledge Bases for Amazon Bedrock Foundational models (FMs) are trained on large volumes of data and use billions of parameters. However, in order to answer customers’ questions related to domain-specific private data, they need to reference an authoritative knowledge base outside of the model’s training data sources. This is commonly ac

    madarax11 2016/01/25
    AWS Certificate Manager – AWS上でSSL/TLSベースのアプリケーション… - Amazon Web Services ブログ
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