Effective Snapshot TestingOctober 30th, 2017 — 10 min read I guess I've been on a bit of a testing kick recently, I promise this newsletter will delve into more stuff later. But I saw this tweet from Justin Searls (a developer who I admire with a great deal of experience in testing) and thought it would be a great subject to write about. In that tweet, Justin shares a screenshot of a bunch of his
These days a lot of people is using Jest’s snapshot testing on a daily basis. I will show you reasons why I stopped. We build spectacular apps, check auriosoftware.com FragilityWe changed a little bit of code and it blew off half of our tests. The problem is that these snapshots are highly coupled with our implementation and as we all know, coupling is one of the biggest pain in software developme
Recently I gave a talk on BerlinJS community event where I wanted to share my recent experience with Snapshot testing. Pretty sure, you heard that term since it recently popularized with Jest testing framework. Snapshot testing approach is not something new. First time I heard about it in famous “Working With Legacy Code” by M. Feathers’ book. The approach of “character-based” testing resonated wi
Snapshot tests are a very useful tool whenever you want to make sure your UI does not change unexpectedly. A typical snapshot test case renders a UI component, takes a snapshot, then compares it to a reference snapshot file stored alongside the test. The test will fail if the two snapshots do not match: either the change is unexpected, or the reference snapshot needs to be updated to the new versi
Jestとは facebook.github.io Facebook製のテストフレームワーク Reactアプリケーションのテストに向いてる スナップショットテストがある スナップショットテストとは スナップショット != スクリーンショット 画像の差分を取るのではない 出力されるHTMLの構造を比較する Worcに導入してみた shibe97.hatenablog.com Twitterクライアント、Windowsも対応しました〜https://t.co/HDikkJPm4P— シベ (@shibe97) 2017年3月14日 (別件ですが、先日Windowsにも対応しました!) Worcはかなり細かくコンポーネントを分けているので、試しやすかった。 完全に自分にとっての実験環境になりつつある・・・ 対象のコンポーネント とりあえず今回は、ツイート部分のテキストエリアコンポーネントを対象と