
ブックマーク / www.economist.com (6)

  • Japanese ultranationalists’ devotion to the emperor is unrequited

    Japanese ultranationalists’ devotion to the emperor is unrequitedA bit of a problem for flag-waving extremists THE Imperial Rescript on Education was issued on behalf of Emperor Meiji in October 1890. In 315 flowery characters, it urged his subjects to cultivate loyalty, filial piety and, above all, a readiness to dedicate their lives to the survival of the imperial house. Certified copies of the

    Japanese ultranationalists’ devotion to the emperor is unrequited
    mekurayanagi 2017/04/14
    “Yet they have a grave problem: the very emperor they claim to revere. ” その矛盾が次代でも継続するだろうか。
  • Tentative two-step

    Tentative two-stepThe two countries hold their first security talks for five years IT IS a feature of the fraught relationship between Japan and South Korea that the two are at once able to bicker and to work together. Last week South Korea summoned Japanese diplomats to protest over revisions to school textbooks, which it said were a fresh attempt by Japan to gloss over the evils of its wartime p

    mekurayanagi 2015/04/17
    “Revisionist voices have grown louder in Japanese education. ”って普通に書かれてることが凄い状態だよ。その通りだけど。
  • Hearts and minds

    Hearts and mindsJapan reviews history textbooks for its schoolchildren, and riles its neighbours LAST year, Japan's education minister, Hakubun Shimomura, told The Economist that he wanted the nation’s children to be taught what he saw as “correct” views of history and territory. He has in the past questioned Japan’s commitment to the Murayama statement of 1995, which expresses remorse to Asia for

    Hearts and minds
    mekurayanagi 2015/04/10
    「歴史と領土の正しい見方by下村」記載させた教科書検定。日韓で激化する教科書外交。戦後レジーム脱却を目指す安倍を多くのアメリカ人はまだtrue believerだと気付いてない。安倍は妥協はしても迷いはないと研究者の意見
  • Bad timing

    Bad timingAs Japan considers welcoming more foreigners to its shores, a bestselling author calls for their segregation THE Sankei Shimbun, a Japanese daily, has a reputation for illiberal commentary. Last week it outdid itself by running a column that lauded the segregation of races in apartheid-era South Africa—and urged Japan to do the same. Ayako Sono, a conservative columnist, said that if her

    Bad timing
    mekurayanagi 2015/02/21
  • Spin and substance

    IN OSAKA’s strongly Korean Tsuruhashi district, a 14-year-old Japanese girl went out into the streets last year calling through a loudspeaker for a massacre of Koreans. In Tokyo’s Shin-Okubo neighbourhood, home to one of the largest concentrations of Koreans in Japan, many people say the level of anti-foreigner vitriol—on the streets and on the internet—is without modern precedent. Racists chant s

    Spin and substance
    mekurayanagi 2014/09/26
    “But the police have been passive in the face of verbal assaults. And there is clearly a danger that one day the attacks will turn violent.” 相変わらずのコメ欄、自分達が何の見本になってるのか自覚がないお決まりの展開。
  • My country right or righter

    IT SEEMS hard to credit that Toshio Tamogami, a 65-year-old former chief of Japan’s air force sacked in 2008 for airing weirdly revisionist views about history, is still a man to reckon with. Yet his campaign for Tokyo’s forthcoming governor’s election has deepened a row over Japan’s giant public broadcaster, NHK. Late last year Shinzo Abe, the prime minister, approved four new appointments to NHK

    My country right or righter
    mekurayanagi 2014/02/08
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