What it's all about... "Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a simple mechanism for adding style (e.g. fonts, colors, spacing) to Web documents." The above quote, taken from the W3C website, is one of the reasons for this site. Whilst I agree that it is a mechanism for adding style to web documents, I do not agree that it is a SIMPLE mechanism. It can be very complicated, as I found out when I took my
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comment 2006-10-17T21:15:00+09:00 お好みの言語が英語で無い場合は、日本語でどうぞ。 In this PDF file, the order of the set format rule and property's appearing was announced. This time, the method of separately managing the CSS file used on the site is announced. Why is CSS divided? I think that most reasons are the improvements of the work efficiency. The access to the revision part becomes early They are combined and co
YUI Grids CSS The foundational YUI Grids CSS offers four preset page widths, six preset templates, and the ability to stack and nest subdivided regions of two, three, or four columns. The 4kb file provides over 1000 page layout combinations. Other features include: Supports fluid-width (100%) layouts as well as preset fixed-width layouts at 750px, 950px, and 974px, and the ability to easily custom
CSSでデザインされたサイトを集めた「csstux」は、CSSを使ってかっこよくデザインされたサイトがいろいろノミネートされており、それぞれにトラックバックを送ったり、コメントを付けたりすることが可能です。また、各サイトはレートによる格付けがされているので、人気の高いデザインがどれなのかもすぐにわかるようになっています。 これ以外にも同様のサイトはいろいろあるので、知る限りのCSSデザイン格付けサイトをまとめてみました。ウェブデザインの際の参考になるのではないかと。 今回最初に紹介する「csstux」はこれらのCSSデザイン格付けサイトの中ではかなり新参の部類なので、知らない人も多いのではないかと。 以下のフォームから自分のサイトをノミネートさせることも可能です。 csstux - Submit your site 2つめは「CSSElite」 ノミネートするには以下のページに書いてあるメ
This collection of techniques to create boxes with rounded corners using CSS has become quite popular. The problem now is there are so many choices it’s hard to know which one to choose. To that end I’ve provided some more information about each method in order to help people choose which best fits their needs. Some of these techniques use CSS and one or more background images, some use CSS, JavaS
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Cascading Style Sheets Explained If you’re new to Cascading Style Sheets, or CSS, then this short guide is for you. After a brief introduction to CSS and some of its benefits, we’ll move on to CSS frameworks to help you decide if you should use one and if so, which one would be best for your needs. What is CSS? CSS is a computer programming language used for describing the visual presentation of a
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