The free, ever-expanding design system & UI kit for Figma ✶ Updated every month ✶ The free, ever-expanding design system & UI kit for Figma ✶ Updated every month ✶
Material Designを取り入れたBootstrapのテーマ、小さいGUIに魅力がたくさん詰まっているApple Watch、Appleのこれからの主力となるiOS 8のUI、進化して使いやすくなったフラットスタイルのコンポーネント、ユーザーに操作の楽しさと使いやすさを与えるさまざまなアニメーションなど、新しいUIを体験できる素材を紹介します。 新しいモノって見るだけでも、ワクワクしますよね。 Material Design for Bootstrap Material Design for Bootstrap -GitHub Googleが提唱する新しいUX「Material Design」をモチーフにしたBootstrap 3用のテーマ。 ナビゲーション、パネル、スライダー、ボタン、テーブル、フォーム、アイコン、タイポグラフィなど、さまざまなUIエレメントが揃っています。
Semantic SVGs Style with CSS Multi-color themes Smart icons 3 unique sizes Responsive Production ready How-tos OpenIconicAn open source icon set with 223 marks in SVG, webfont and raster formatsDownload v1.1.0Github Bootstrap and Foundation readyReady-to-use fonts and stylesheets that work with your favorite frameworks. Hyper-legibleWe're not joking. Open Iconic is designed to be legible down to 8
+350 Awesome free vector icons to empower your mobile and web designs Scroll to explore Captain Icon Welcome to Captain Icon Once upon a time there was a youngling who was passionate about drawing since he was a child. He wanted to share his hobby with the world. One day he had a brilliant idea: make an amazing free icon set. Captain Icon knows that creating something new is really hard. He wants