2018年3月19日のブックマーク (2件)

  • Seiyuu Has A Mouth, and Seiyuu Must Eat Screamingly.

    It was only a hundred miles or so to the ice caverns, and the second day, when we were lying out under the blistering sun-thing he had materialized, he sent down some manna. Tasted like boiled boar urine. We ate it.” 悪い咀嚼音 1 SE咀嚼音 どれだけ精工に作られた偽物を手に入れても空しいだけで、物を手に入れなけば意味がない。それはずっと遠い未来のことだけじゃなくて、2018年にポルノアニメを見て咀嚼音を聞くあなたにとっても同じことなのです。 ということで、悪い咀嚼音とはSEのことです。どこのだれかわからない音響監督だか何だか知らんおっさんがアニメにあてただけの血の通わない

    Seiyuu Has A Mouth, and Seiyuu Must Eat Screamingly.
    modoroso 2018/03/19
  • Gaijin Engineer in Tokyo

    Being a foreign software engineer in Tokyo has its ups and downs. If you work in a company of foreigners you’re mostly shielded from the experience, but if you work in an actual Japanese company there’s going to be some things that will shock you, some things that will amuse you, and doubtless many things that will frustrate you. This is a run-down of my own personal experiences. As with anything,

    modoroso 2018/03/19