毎月コンスタントに大阪で開催されている Flash の勉強会大阪てらこに参加してきました。今回は HIGE5 というタイトルで、総計 25 人ぐらいの方が参加され約 5 時間にわたり各自まとめてきた Flash の面白いことについて発表し合いました。 私は、Flash の各種 3D エンジンの比較レポートと、この日のために準備した(といっても 1 日ぐらいで作った)新種の 3D ライブラリ「Cross3D」を発表しました。Cross3Dとは、ActionScript 3.0 の各種 3D エンジンを同じソースコードで動作させるブリッジライブラリです。発表資料は Acrobat.com にアップしていますので、よろしければご覧ください。 なお、資料中にて紹介しているデモは次の URL でご覧頂けます。 7*7*7=343個の直方体を表示したときのFPS比較 Papervision3D 2.1
Último proyecto completado: Chimeneas Rofer & Rodi Proyecto actual en curso: Arteforo (versión en castellano abajo) After doing the CSS Paper Bird effect, I found out that by a combination of the CSS1 properties background-attachment and background-position, 2D displacement maps could be created and, by scrolling, the displacement map would be applied to different parts of the texture (a backgroun
20 years of design and innovation, the creation of IP and the development of international brands. Honoured by the Royal Television Society, Apple Design Award, D&AD and the Art Director’s Club in New York. Served as part of the creative leadership for agencies in WPP and Publicis Groupe. Today, the Founder and CEO of Aide Health, and author of Spark for the Fire: How Youthful Thinking Unlocks Cre
So I was watching a movie called Minghags the other day (highly not recommended, I don’t know how I survived through the entire thing), but once I got to the credit roll, it intrigued me. I liked how it put focus into the middle of the credits, and had a cool 3d look to it. I decided to give it a go, and it was surprisingly easy to create in After Effects.
THE FORCE FROM THE SOURCE There’s nothing quite like nature. It’s a force – a source of unrivalled power. At Original Source we’ve made it our mission to harness the very best that nature has to offer to bring you an intense, stimulating experience with every wash. Are you ready to experience the force from the source! Unleash the power of nature! All our products are vegan, cruelty free and made