Service notice: Catalyst WebQ Survey and GradeBook have been retired effective June 16, 2022. You can download survey content and responses, and gradebook files, from the Catalyst Archive. Learn more about the Catalyst Archive. Aging technology Availability of comparable or better survey tools Decreasing usage trends and changing use cases Why the tools must be retired Support from UW-IT for the t
The Office of Fellowships and Awards provides a number of services for the Graduate School, its departments, and students. Our services may be grouped into administrative services and counseling/information services. The Office of Fellowships and Awards assists students by publicizing upcoming deadlines, providing some applications, and participating in the application process or administration of
Foundation for International Understanding Through Students FIUTS connects university students with local and global communities through programs that build international awareness, cross-cultural communication, and informed leadership. Welcome New Students Will you be coming to the University of Washington as an international student this fall? FIUTS Orientation starts on September 16! Host
Introducing a powerful open source social networking engine Providing you with the core components needed to build a socially aware web application Elgg is an award-winning open source social networking engine that provides a robust framework on which to build all kinds of social environments, from a campus wide social network for your university, school or college or an internal collaborative pla
前の記事 最新テーザー銃で撃たれた体験レポート(動画) 人体へのハッキング攻撃:発達する「神経工学」とその危険性 2009年8月 3日 Hadley Leggett Image: University of Washington。サイトトップの画像は別の日本語版記事より これまで研究者らは、指1本動かさずに脳波だけでコンピューターを操作し、『Twitter』にメッセージを投稿したり(日本語版記事)、車椅子を動かしたり(日本語版記事)できる技術を開発してきた。だが、神経科学的な機器が複雑化・ワイヤレス化した現在、一部の専門家たちは「脳ハッキング」のリスクを真剣に考えるべきだと警鐘を鳴らしている。 ハッカーたちは四六時中パーソナル・コンピューターに侵入しているが、もし、ハッカーたちがその悪意ある熱意を、これらの医療機器に向けたら何が起こるだろう。たとえば現在パーキンソン病やうつ病の治療に使われ