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Welcome to Font Cubes, a comprehensive resource of the best free fonts for download. Here, you'll find the best cool free Mac Fonts, Android fonts for your cell phone or tablet, or Windows fonts. These cursive, calligraphy, handwriting, gothic, kids, script fonts and many more have been designed from the best font artists in the world for you. After you download free fonts here, you can also readi
午後から新製品を考える会議。ふと、メールを見返すと「1人3つアイデアを持ってくること」という指示――しまった、見落としていた。しかし会議まであと20分しかないぞ。こりゃまずい。 という時にうってつけの方法がある。 例えば、アイデアを出し合う会議が午後イチにある。昼飯に行く直前、メールを見返したら「アイデアを3つ以上もってくるように」との指示があった。これはしまった。う~ん、急いで考えよう……あせるばかりで出てこないよ! という極限状態にうってつけの方法がある。10分間あれば、アイデアを必ず3つ以上、発想できるのだ。 今、あなたがそういう状況ならば、ここから先はこの記事2ページ目以降を印刷し、ペンとプリントアウトした記事だけ持って、昼食に出てほしい。 名称 人数 道具 長所 SCAMPER(スキャンパー)法
Italy-based. Lover of foreign grocery stores and supermarkets. Photographer. Second son. Video-Maker. Private person. Art Director. Still alive since 1985.
Edito Designers seem to like using modal windows more and more, as they provide a quick way to show data without reloading the entire page. It's easy to use and easy to design. The big problem I experienced with every plugin I tried either using Prototype/Scriptaculous or jQuery is the customization. They say you can do whatever you want simply but that's not fully true. The default CSS works fine
Henry Hoffmanのエントリーから、スタイルシートで実装する、タブが重なり合うナビゲーションの紹介です。 <textarea name="code" class="html" cols="60" rows="5"> <ul id="nav"> <li><a href="#" class="start"><span class="right"><span class="center">Menu Item</span></span></a></li> <li><a href="#"><span class="right"><span class="center">Longer Menu Item</span></span></a></li> <li><a href="#"><span class="right"><span class="center">Small</span></sp
AJAX calls do not cover updates from the server, which are needed for the modern real-time and collaborative web. PubSub (as in “publish and subscribe”) is an established messaging pattern that achieves this. In this article, Alexander Gödde will look at precisely how PubSub solves the updating problem, and he’ll look at one particular solution (the WAMP protocol) that integrates both the calling
This article should come in handy for the next time you're stuck in traffic: have you ever wondered why the Audi in front of you has a logo of four interlocked rings? Did you know that the Cadillac emblem was inspired by a family crest of a nobleman who later turned out to be a fraud? Or that Volkswagen was Hitler's idea? We took a look at the evolution of tech logos before. Today, let's take a lo
HITSPAPER is a creative resources web magazine that explores the creative relationship between society and people. Based on the simple question of what kind of human beings are and what kind of things it means to be beautiful, we, through this medium, various genres (art / design / music / literature / philosophy) We explore creativity and liberate people = explore liberal arts. The role of the HI