By John Gruber Archive The Talk Show Dithering Projects Contact Colophon Feeds / Social Sponsorship WorkOS, the modern identity platform for B2B SaaS — free up to 1 million MAUs. Walter Isaacson’s ‘Steve Jobs’ Tuesday, 14 February 2012 What is Apple at heart: a software company, or a hardware company? This is a perennial question. The truth, of course, is that Apple is neither. Apple is an experie
Join our daily and weekly newsletters for the latest updates and exclusive content on industry-leading AI coverage. Learn More Cloud file management startup FileTrek has exited stealth mode with good news: it has raised $10 million in second-round funding and is ready to show businesses that it’s the best option for securely sharing and tracking files in the cloud. FileTrek will compete heavily wi
Streaming video consumption on mobile devices, smart TVs nearly doubles in Q4 GamesBeat Next is connecting the next generation of video game leaders. And you can join us, coming up October 28th and 29th in San Francisco! Take advantage of our buy one, get one free pass offer. Sale ends this Friday, August 16th. Join us by registering here. Couch potatoes nearly doubled the amount of streaming vide
Listen up! Exfm triples its user base following relaunch, raises fresh $1.5M GamesBeat is excited to partner with Lil Snack to have customized games just for our audience! We know as gamers ourselves, this is an exciting way to engage through play with the GamesBeat content you have already come to love. Start playing games here. Back in October music discovery service Exfm attempted to transform
[読了時間:2分] 震災以降エネルギー問題が盛んに議論されているんだけど、僕自身専門家でもないし、何が正しいのかちょっと自分では判断つかない。そういう人も多いのではないかと思うんだけど、そのエネルギー問題についてロールプレイングゲームの感覚で学べるゲームの開発が進んでいる。開発しているのは、株式会社ダイスクリエイティブの小関昭彦さんを始めとする約20人のボランティア。 「EneShift」というタイトルで、主人公の新聞記者が約10人の識者にインタビューしていくというゲーム。識者はすべて実在の人物で、これまでに慶応大学教授の金子勝さん、歌手の加藤登紀子さん、衆議院議員の河野太郎さんなど、ボランティアスタッフが実際にインタビューして得た発言をゲームの中に埋め込んでいくという。 小関さんは「エネルギーって生活の根本。そのことを今まで当たり前に考えていた。311があって気にしないとまずいなと思った
[読了時間:1分] Android端末って日本国内だけで60機種、世界だと750機種以上あるという。それすべてで動作するアプリを開発するなんて事実上無理。1台5万円としても開発者にとっては大変な出費になる。 ご自身がプログラマーの久納孝治さんはこの問題を解決するために、ネットを通じたAndroidレンタルサービス「クラウド・スマホ・レンタル」を考案。サーバーにUSB経由でつながった実機を久納さんのほうで用意し、ユーザーであるプログラマーはその実機をリモートデスクトップのように遠隔操作することができるという。またGoogleが提供している開発ツールを使ってのデバックに加え、ウェブサイトの検証においてもウェブインスペクター機能でデバックが可能。 利用料金は現在検討中だが、30分500円くらいで考えているという。 エミュレータを使って開発するのと違って実機の遠隔操作なので、機種依存問題などを実際
[読了時間:2分] ソーシャルメディアウィークの一貫としてTechWave副編集長のマスキンが手がける「アプリ博」が渋谷のGMOインターネットさんで開催された(ていうか今まだ開催中)。その中でざっと見て面白そうなのがあったので速報します。 そのアプリの名前はU-NOTE。大学生向けソーシャルノートサービス。 僕が見せてもらったのはウェブ版で、FacebookのIDを使ってログインすると同じ授業を受けている人とリアルタイムでノートをシェアできる、というサービス。具体的には、200字ぐらいでメモをとったものが、このサービス上の友人のタイムラインに次々と表示され、自分のメモよりもいいものがあればコピーして自分のノートにペーストできる、というシンプルなもの。でもこのシンプルさがとてもいいと思う。 文書の共有はGoogleドキュメントなんかでもできるのだけど、共有する人が数人以上になるとタイミング的
Join our daily and weekly newsletters for the latest updates and exclusive content on industry-leading AI coverage. Learn More Two years ago (almost to the day), then-Sun CEO Jonathan Schwartz announced his departure from the company. On Twitter, in a haiku. Today, Schwartz, a serial entrepreneur of sorts, is unwrapping his newest venture, CareZone, which has nothing to do with IT and everything t
[読了時間:1分] iPhone4Sの目玉機能である音声認識Siriはいまだに日本語に対応していないが、まもなく対応するかもしれない。その根拠はSiriに対して「どの言語をしゃべれるの?」と英語で聞くと「I can speak Japanese」と答えるようになっているから。Appleからの正式発表はまだないが、近く日本語対応の可能性は確かにありそうだ。 Apple製品関連の専門ブログ米9To5MacのライターがSiriに対し「What Language do you speak?」とたずねたところ「I can speak French, English, Japanese, and German…but I’m always learning.」と答えたという。 Apple自体もSiriのFAQページで2012年にSiriが日本語対応することを明らかにしている。 In 2012, Sir
Apple (NSDQ: AAPL) has once again cut prices on its iAd system for rich in-app advertising on iOS applications, according to a report, as ad buyers continue to balk at the up-front cost of participating in Apple’s vision of how mobile advertising should work. AdAge reported Tuesday that Apple is now asking advertisers to commit just $100,000 in order to place advertise within iAds, down an enormou
Join our daily and weekly newsletters for the latest updates and exclusive content on industry-leading AI coverage. Learn More Amazon may have far fewer customers signed up for its Amazon Prime membership than analysts previously estimated. The Prime membership costs $79 annually for Amazon customers, who in return get free two-day shipping on most items sold through the retail giant. The service
GamesBeat Next is almost here! GB Next is the premier event for product leaders and leadership in the gaming industry. Coming up October 28th and 29th, join fellow leaders and amazing speakers like Matthew Bromberg (CEO Unity), Amy Hennig (Co-President of New Media Skydance Games), Laura Naviaux Sturr (GM Operations Amazon Games), Amir Satvat (Business Development Director Tencent), and so many ot
We’ve written previously about Harvard marketing guru John Quelch’s research into how companies deliberately create an “illusion of scarcity” to elevate product successes and profits. See, How to use the ‘Scarcity Illusion’ to boost your launch. For a while now people have been writing about the perceived scarcity of iPhones. Earlier this week Om conducted a reportorial gut check, and determined–o
Cloud Platform-as-a-Service provider Heroku (s crm)has added a new feature to its PostgreSQL database service that lets users share the results of an SQL query simply by sending a URL. The feature, called Data Clips, is in beta mode and is the first new feature of likely many since the company launched Heroku Postgres in November. According to Heroku Postgres Product Manager Matthew Soldo, the new
NBCUniversal (NSDQ: CMCSA) will once again use its Olympics coverage to search for what it calls the “holy grail” of audience measurement. The media conglomerate has commissioned Google (NSDQ: GOOG) and research company comScore (NSDQ: SCOR) to develop new ways to measure viewership across broadcast, cable, internet and mobile platforms. The 2012 London Games, which run for two weeks starting July
There’s an interesting phenomenon occurring in startup land, with a number of companies emerging that are all seeking to build businesses with recurring revenue streams based on serving up monthly packages of food, beauty, clothing and other products. The so-called subscription commerce market is expanding rapidly — but what’s behind the trend and why are so many consumers signing up? Subscription
A year ago, pivoted toward its present model as a design flash sales site, and it’s been a stunning success, with 2 million members since launching eight months ago and a Crunchie award for best shopping app. But CEO Jason Goldberg envisions a much bigger future beyond flash sales for as an Amazon-sized (s amzn) destination for design goods. Today, the New York City-based company i
Global tablet sales in 2015 will exceed the number of PCs currently sold per year (~360 million) and make tablets a $100+ billion market. The forecast, which includes e-readers, predicts that tablet sales will grow at better than a 50% compound annual growth rate over the next few years. The growth will be driven by falling prices combined with tablet penetration in the enterprise and education ma
We’ve written previously about Harvard marketing guru John Quelch’s research into how companies deliberately create an “illusion of scarcity” to elevate product successes and profits. See, How to use the ‘Scarcity Illusion’ to boost your launch. For a while now people have been writing about the perceived scarcity of iPhones. Earlier this week Om conducted a reportorial gut check, and determined–o