Work with the language of your choiceDevelop your GTK app with your language of choice by using Language Bindings or wrappers and take full advantage of the official GNOME bindings which guarantee API stability and time-based releases. // Include gtk #include <gtk/gtk.h> static void on_activate (GtkApplication *app) { // Create a new window GtkWidget *window = gtk_application_window_new (app); //
wxWidgets is a C++ library that lets developers create applications for Windows, macOS, Linux and other platforms with a single code base. It has popular language bindings for Python, Ruby, Lua, Perl and several other languages, and unlike other cross-platform toolkits, wxWidgets gives applications a truly native look and feel because it uses the platform's native API rather than emulating the GUI
gloox is a rock-solid, full-featured Jabber/XMPP client library, written in clean ANSI C++. It makes writing spec-compliant clients easy and allows for hassle-free integration of Jabber/XMPP functionality into existing applications. gloox is released under the GNU GPLv3. Commercial licensing and support are available. Latest stable version: 1.0.28 [Download] [ChangeLog] [API] Quick Facts easy to u
We announced a new communications product, Hangouts, in May 2013. Hangouts will replace Google Talk and does not support XMPP. Guides �~�d�U ��}d�U We've provided the following documentation specifically for developers: libjingle: an open-source C++ library that you can use to build peer-to-peer applications for voice, video, or file-sharing. The code handles both connection negotiation and data e
Trac is being migrated to new services! Issues can be found in our new YouTrack instance and WIKI pages can be found on our website. What is libpurple? libpurple is intended to be the core of an IM program. When using libpurple, you'll basically be writing a UI for this core chunk of code. Pidgin is a GTK+ frontend to libpurple, Finch is an ncurses frontend, and Adium is a Cocoa frontend. Who uses
We've Moved! Google Ctemplate is now hosted at Our new homepage is located at Overview The ctemplate package contains a library implementing a simple but powerful template language for C++. It emphasizes separating logic from presentation: it is impossible to embed application logic in this template language. Ctemplate is distributed unde
TClockでは、「デフォルトライブラリ(ランタイムライブラリ)をリンクしないことによって、実行ファイルのサイズを小さくする」というテクニックを使っています。TClock LightのMakefileやソースの#ifdefで何やってるのか詳しく知りたいときは、このページの情報を参照してください。 このテクニックは、「実行ファイルが小さいほうが気持ちいい」という作者の単なる好みによるもので、ふつうのC言語でふつうにプログラムする際には、役に立たない、覚えなくてよいものです。 TClock Lightのソースを改良したい人は、Makefileを編集して、デフォルトライブラリをリンクする設定に変えることをお勧めします。TClock LightのMakefileは、デフォルトライブラリをリンクするかどうかを、簡単に切り替えられるようにしてあります。 Visual C++では、次の行を削除します。