2. FPGA • Essentially a bunch of logic gates and memory blocks that can be told to connect up to be whatever digital circuit you want it to be. • You load a binary file onto it that describes that configuration. • You generate that binary file using an application like Vivado, from source code that you wrote in a language like VHDL. • At this point we're back in software land – we have a programmi
Paul Potts's post inspired me to say something about cellular automata too. So here's the deal: whenever you see large datastructures pieced together from lots of small but similar computations there's a good chance that we're dealing with a comonad. In cellular automata we compute the value of each cell in the next generation by performing a local computation based on the neighbourhood of that ce
An Ad-Hoc Field Deep learning, despite its remarkable successes, is a young field. While models called artificial neural networks have been studied for decades, much of that work seems only tenuously connected to modern results. It’s often the case that young fields start in a very ad-hoc manner. Later, the mature field is understood very differently than it was understood by its early practitione
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I was reading the comments on a Haskell post on Lobste.rs and someone said that while there’s a decent amount of posts around Haskell, there aren’t enough about people using “Haskell in Anger/Prod”. I agree. I’ve been fortunate enough to work for two different companies that are using Haskell in production successfully and I thought I’d tell the story of one of them. Bdellium is a small company in