Hui and his wife Stella had two children. He died on October 16, 2021, from cancer. J language. edit. In the early 1990s, Ken Iverson and Hui began ...
One of the problems with modern computer technology: programmers don’t learn from the great masters. There is such a thing as a Beethoven or Mozart of software design. Modern programmers seem more familiar with Lady Gaga. It’s not just a matter of taste and an appreciation for genius. It’s a matter of forgetting important things. There is a reason I use “old” languages like J or Lush. It’s not a r
In Praise of APL: A Language for Lyrical Programming Professor Alan J. Perlis Yale University Many reasons can be given for teaching one or more aspects of computer science (defined as the study of the set of phenomena arising around and because of the computer) to all university students. Probably every reader of this note supports some of these reasons. Let me list the few I find most important:
Google グループでは、オンライン フォーラムやメール ベースのグループを作成したり、こうしたフォーラムやグループに参加したりすることで、大勢のユーザーと情報の共有やディスカッションを行うことができます。
This is Words and Buttons Online — a collection of interactive #tutorials, #demos, and #quizzes about #mathematics, #algorithms and #programming. I know, I know. I should have started with the introduction. But doesn’t it introduce itself rather well? You can see for yourself that it’s ultimately concise, expressive and utterly alien to all the mainstream computer languages. In fact, it didn’t ori
“A language that doesn't affect the way you think about programming, is not worth knowing.”-Alan Perlis APL is an ancient language, in many ways different than most programming languages today. The goal of this document is to give a basic introduction for those who would like to understand or use the language, while still providing a taste of the language to those who would like to skim. Here's a
© 1984-2024 British APL Association All rights reserved. Archive articles posted online on request: ask the archivist. K by Arthur Whitney Introduction K is the executable notation at the heart of a high performance programming platform. It is designed for analyzing massive amounts of real-time and historical data – ideal for financial modelling. K is fast, comprehensive, accessible and productive