with Xmind An all-in-one thinking tool featuring mind mapping, AI generation, and real-time collaboration.
Most of the time, Windows users are reluctant to switch to a Mac. One amongst many reasons is that they found it hard to search for free softwares/applications for the Mac. Some of them have already switched to a Mac, but they're still running Windows OS on a Mac. It's such an irony that actually there are mountains of free Mac applications available for us. After days of working on this, I've com
News teaser: new stroy is coming 2012.08.31 lots of fixes and changes and some features. generj 0.1 released download 2010.09.03 more on generj first release of a tool to generate java beans and matching xml bindings openCage-lang 0.4 released download 2010.09.02 more on openCage-lang second public release of openCage-lang. osashosa 0.1 released download 2010.07.14 first release of osashosa a drop
DrawKit - Cocoa Vector Graphics Framework DrawKit Beta 7 (released May 1st, 2010) is now available for download. Please read the release notes in the DK SDK for more information. For a general overview of the library and the rationale for it, please take a look here. Drawkit requires Mac OS X 10.4 or later and is Universal. To compile the source code requires Xcode 3.0 or later, and Mac OS X 10.5
Mtp-Target その他 バスタイムに美と健康をつくる方法 mtp-target1234 Mtp-Target その他 入浴剤とは mtp-target1234 Mtp-Target シャンプー・育毛 アミノ酸シャンプーで髪を洗うときのコツ mtp-target1234 Mtp-Target シャンプー・育毛 アミノ酸シャンプーとは mtp-target1234 Mtp-Target 化粧品 オーガニック化粧品の効果 mtp-target1234 Mtp-Target 化粧品 オーガニック化粧品とは? mtp-target1234 Mtp-Target その他 美顔器の効果的な使い方 mtp-target1234 Mtp-Target その他 ほうれい線に効く!?美顔器の種類 mtp-target1234 Mtp-Target クレンジング ホットクレンジングの正しい使い方 mtp-t
Live streaming is a very cool way to connect with people virtually. And with the global pandemic in 2020, it has gained more traction. You can virtually meet people sitting at home by conducting meetings, stream games, podcasts, etc. You can also stream a live video through your phone. But here is a compilation of some of the top live stream platforms that are trending. Twitch Twitch is a top-rate
The MacPorts Project Official Homepage The MacPorts Project is an open-source community initiative to design an easy-to-use system for compiling, installing, and upgrading either command-line, X11 or Aqua based open-source software on the Mac operating system. To that end we provide the command-line driven MacPorts software package under a 3-Clause BSD License, and through it easy access to thousa
MacEmacs JP Projectについて † 当プロジェクトはMac上でのEmacs(主にCarbon Emacs)利用情報を収集し、公開する事を活動の中心としています。 サイトの情報はGPLもしくはGFDLにもとづいて公開されています。(一部例外がありますのでご注意ください。) 当Wikiにはファイルを添付することができません スパム攻撃対処中のためアルファベットのみコメント不可です。トップのみ凍結処理しています ↑ 情報交換 † Users メーリングリスト(日本語):Mac用Emacs利用者(日本語)のメーリングリストです。メールアドレスさえあればどなたでも参加できます。現在の参加人数は約400人です。 Users メーリングリスト(英語):Mac用Emacs利用者(英語)のメーリングリストです。メールアドレスさえあればどなたでも参加できます。現在の参加人数は約100人で
Welcome to the website for the WebKit Open Source Project! WebKit is an open source web browser engine. WebKit is also the name of the Mac OS X system framework version of the engine that's used by Safari, Dashboard, Mail, and many other OS X applications. WebKit's HTML and JavaScript code began as a branch of the KHTML and KJS libraries from KDE. This website is also the home of S60's S60 WebKit