*fakeclip* is a Vim plugin to provide a pseudo |clipboard| register for several versions of Vim without |+clipboard| support, especially for non-GUI version of Vim on the following platforms: - Cygwin - Mac OS X - X Window System (by xclip <http://sourceforge.net/projects/xclip/>) fakeclip also provides a pseudo register to access a "paste buffer" if one of the following applications is available:
snipMate.vim aims to be an unobtrusive, concise vim script that implements some of TextMate's snippets features in Vim. A snippet is a piece of often-typed text that you can insert into your document using a trigger word followed by a <tab>. For instance, in a C file using the default installation of snipMate.vim, if you type "for<tab>" in insert mode, it will expand a typical for loop in C: for (
What are tips? This is a place where users of the vim editor can add their favorite commands, macros and other assorted tips to a common database. While the vim distribution comes with a rich set of documentation it is often hard to find a place to start when trying to incrementally learn how to use the editor. Why tips? When I realized how much I was learning from the vim list alone I thought it