ブックマーク / www.digitalnewsreport.org (1)

  • The Reuters Institute Digital Report 2012

    This year's report reveals new insights about digital news consumption based on a YouGov survey of over 92,000 online news consumers in 46 markets including India, Indonesia, Thailand, Nigeria, Colombia and Peru for the first time. Digital News Report 2021 This report looks at the progress on pay models and the popularity of curated editorial products like podcasts and newsletters. Digital News Re

    The Reuters Institute Digital Report 2012
    nyusokuonline 2018/06/18
    【英・調査】日本の大手新聞の中で、朝日新聞が一番信用されてない [digital news report 2018] 1: ばーど ★ 2018/06/18(月) 07:19:17.83 ID:CAP_USER9 6月14日発表 英オックスフォード大学ロイター・ジャーナリズム研究所 ※レポート抜粋 It
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