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This Week’s Weekly Links of the Week - Week 13 Aug13 abbr tag, acronym tag, adsense, AJAX, am deadlink, art, bully, bush, democracy, earthquake, flickr, flickrstorm, ford, gas, global warming, google, javascript, john powers, military themepark, online privacy, photo fraud, photorealism, programming, reuters, rockstar, semantics, topix, tripod, tsunami, tv, video, video games web design This week’
Design Competitions Enter Your Best Design Work Submit your work to AIGA: 365 Year in Design! The competition honors designers, design teams, and clients who collaborated to create impactful, innovative solutions in 2024. Early deadline: February 3, 2025. Learn More + Enter Design Competitions Showcase Excellence in Book Design Is your book or cover design among the best of 2024? Prove it by submi
Over 320 mini pixel icons! All Free! These mini icons are designed at 14×14px with transparent background. They are specially designed for header or side navigation buttons. Feel free to use these icons for your site (personal or commerical). However, if you are using more than 10 different icons, you must give a link back to N.Design Studio. If you like these icons, please help me to spread out t
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Quick Tip (vom 25.3.2020): Alle modernen Browser unterstützen mittlerweile SVG-Favicons. Ergo kann man jedes Emoji wie folgt in ein favicon.svg umwandeln: <svg xmlns = “” Das bekommst du Der Dr. Web-Newsletter bietet dir exklusive Informationen, gelegentlich auch Schnäppchen. Exklusive Informationen können Tool-Tipps oder sogar Langform-Artikel sein, die es auf Hier
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