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Tunderbirdに関するonkのブックマーク (1)

  • Make Thunderbird's Labels Stand Out | TwisterMc

    I’m a big fan of Thunderbrid, however one of the things that bugs me is that the labels don’t stand out enough. I feel as if they kind of blend into the background. I did a bit of research and figured out how to style the labels to stand out a bit more. Check it out: To update your labels in Thunderbird follow these simple steps. Install Stylish in Thunderbird – Go to https://addons.mozilla.org/en

    Make Thunderbird's Labels Stand Out | TwisterMc
    onk 2007/06/01
    Thunderbird 向けの ユーザスタイルシート.背景色で示される方が断然見やすいぜ!
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