2006年12月7日のブックマーク (2件)

  • Data Generator

    Data Generator The Data Generator has a new home! Please update your links to point to the following site: http://www.generatedata.com. Ever needed custom formatted sample / test data, like, bad? Well, that's the idea of the Data Generator. It's a free, open source script written in JavaScript, PHP and MySQL that lets you quickly generate large volumes of custom data in a variety of formats for us

    otyame2 2006/12/07
    Data Generatorはテスト用のデータを自動生成してくれるツールです。データ名、種類、オプションを指定すれば一発生成。すげー便利。
  • Plugoo

    Plugoo enables you to chat directly from your Instant Messenger with any visitor of your blog, personal webpage or e-sales site. Embed Plugoo Widget onto your website (blog, personal web page or e-sales site�) and let your visitors chat with you. Meet and chat instantly with Plugoo Members from all over the world on Planet Plugoo.

    otyame2 2006/12/07