Usability is an essential goal of any website, and usable navigation is something every website needs. It determines where users are led and how they interact with the website. Without usable navigation, content becomes all but useless. Menus need to be simple enough for the user to understand, but also contain the elements necessary to guide the user through the website — with some creativity and
背景色が黒色の場合、白の割合をどれぐらいにするか、そしてそれをどれぐらい効果的に表現しようとするか、つまり機能美として背景などの目立たないところにはハイライトを使わず、読ませたい部分にきっちり目の焦点を合わせるために使われているか、そういう点に気をつけるのがポイントだそうで。 というわけで、デザイン的にダーク系配色を使う場合に見ておいた方がいいサイトの例があるそうなので、見てみましょう。言うまでもありませんが、デザイン最優先で見がたくなっているものから、いわゆる機能性を優先しつつデザイン性まで確保しているものまで様々ですので、すべてがいいデザインというわけではありませんが、参考にはなるのではないかと。 30 Dark Designs You Should’ve Seen | Smashing Magazine デザイン的に一番機能美として優れているとされるのは一応、以下のサイト。目立たせた
Tables have got to be one of the most difficult objects to style in the Web, thanks to the cryptic markup, the amount of detail we have to take care of, and lack of browser compatibility. A lot of time could be wasted on a single table although it’s just a simple one. This article was written back in 2008 when the concept of responsive web design hasn’t been created just yet. You may want to check
Responsive design is a default these days, but we are all still figuring out just the right process and techniques to better craft responsive websites. That’s why we created a new book — to gather practical techniques and strategies from people who have learned how to get things done right, in actual projects with actual real-world challenges. Neatly packed in a gorgeous hardcover, the book featur