
2011年12月25日のブックマーク (2件)

  • Don't Be A Free User (Pinboard Blog)

    Don't Be A Free User Were you a big Gowalla fan? Did you like Dodgeball? Did you think Trunk.ly (gasp!) was better than Pinboard? Did you make a lot of contributions to Nextstop? Do you miss Aardvark and EtherPad? Did "I Want Sandy" change your life? These projects are all very different, but the dynamic is the same. Someone builds a cool, free product, it gets popular, and that popularity attract

    pho 2011/12/25
    "anti-free-software movement"か。言いたいことはわかるけど、こんなもんなのかな。なんか別の方法はないのかな。
  • The shape of things to come

    The shape of things to comeWhen products are printed, they often look like nature intended EUROMOLD, a big manufacturing trade fair held in Frankfurt from November 29th to December 2nd, was—as might be expected—full of machines and robots demonstrating their ability to cut, bend, weld and bash all sorts of objects into shape. But in one of the halls the scene was very different. It was here that 3

    The shape of things to come
    pho 2011/12/25