
ブックマーク / paulgraham.com (5)

  • How to Get Startup Ideas

    November 2012 The way to get startup ideas is not to try to think of startup ideas. It's to look for problems, preferably problems you have yourself. The very best startup ideas tend to have three things in common: they're something the founders themselves want, that they themselves can build, and that few others realize are worth doing. Microsoft, Apple, Yahoo, Google, and Facebook all began this

    pho 2012/11/25
  • The Patent Pledge

    August 2011 I realized recently that we may be able to solve part of the patent problem without waiting for the government. I've never been 100% sure whether patents help or hinder technological progress. When I was a kid I thought they helped. I thought they protected inventors from having their ideas stolen by big companies. Maybe that was truer in the past, when more things were physical. But r

    pho 2011/09/12
    特許をどうするかってのは、法律家や特許屋さんじゃなくて技術者が決めることなんだろうな。オープンソースDon't be evil。トロールは寄生虫に過ぎない。
  • RAQs

    These are questions that I've only been asked once or twice, but which seem especially interesting. Why don't more painters have hacking jobs? Probably for the same reason that few hackers take up painting. They both seem from the outside like great abstruse mysteries. You can learn great abstruse mysteries as a teenager, because everything is a mystery at that point anyway. And you have the bound

    pho 2010/07/18
  • How to Make Wealth

    May 2004 (This essay was originally published in Hackers & Painters.) If you wanted to get rich, how would you do it? I think your best bet would be to start or join a startup. That's been a reliable way to get rich for hundreds of years. The word "startup" dates from the 1960s, but what happens in one is very similar to the venture-backed trading voyages of the Middle Ages. Startups usually invol

    pho 2008/04/26
    "Wealth is the fundamental thing. Wealth is stuff we want: food, clothes, houses, cars, gadgets, travel to interesting places, and so on. You can have wealth without having money."ハッカーと画家第6章
  • Return of the Mac

    March 2005 All the best hackers I know are gradually switching to Macs. My friend Robert said his whole research group at MIT recently bought themselves Powerbooks. These guys are not the graphic designers and grandmas who were buying Macs at Apple's low point in the mid 1990s. They're about as hardcore OS hackers as you can get. The reason, of course, is OS X. Powerbooks are beautifully designed

    pho 2006/06/02
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