
ブックマーク / josephg.com (1)

  • Rewriting Rust

    The Rust programming language feels like a first generation product. You know what I mean. Like the first iPhone - which was amazing by the way. They made an entire operating system around multitouch. A smart phone with no keyboard. And a working web browser. Within a few months, we all realised what the iPhone really wanted to be. Only, the first generation iphone wasn't quite there. It didn't ha

    poad1010 2024/09/27
    Rustからの書き換えではなく、Rustをforkなりして RFC なり、標準ライブラリーの破壊的変更を有効にした別言語(サブセット?)を作るって話ね。 そういう意味では確かに正しいし、言語だからこそおいそれと簡単に破壊的変更
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