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  • The KITTI Vision Benchmark Suite

    We take advantage of our autonomous driving platform Annieway to develop novel challenging real-world computer vision benchmarks. Our tasks of interest are: stereo, optical flow, visual odometry, 3D object detection and 3D tracking. For this purpose, we equipped a standard station wagon with two high-resolution color and grayscale video cameras. Accurate ground truth is provided by a Velodyne lase

    prototechno 2017/03/20
    #DENSO #DeepLearning
  • The KITTI Vision Benchmark Suite

    This page contains our raw data recordings, sorted by category (see menu above). So far, we included only sequences, for which we either have 3D object labels or which occur in our odometry benchmark training set. The dataset comprises the following information, captured and synchronized at 10 Hz: Raw (unsynced+unrectified) and processed (synced+rectified) grayscale stereo sequences (0.5 Megapixel

    prototechno 2016/06/21
    Data set ❣️
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