
2010年6月19日のブックマーク (9件)

  • Screen User's Manual - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation

    Free Software Foundation last updated October 04, 2018 This manual (screen) is available in the following formats: HTML (468K bytes) - entirely on one web page. HTML - with one web page per node. HTML compressed (92K gzipped characters) - entirely on one web page. HTML compressed (128K gzipped tar file) - with one web page per node. Info document (76K bytes gzipped tar file). ASCII text (236K byte

  • 俺の .screenrc が火を吹くぜ

    たまにはこういう生産性のない話題もいいよね! さて、まあおまえらも GNU Screen くらいは使ってるとおもうわけだが。こいつがまたひどいバッドノウハウでさあ。ほとんどの人が他人の .screenrc をコピペしてきて済ませちゃうんだよね。俺くらいカスタマイズして使ってるやつとか見かけないわけよ。当に。CodeRepos 見ても俺に比肩する規模の .screenrc 書いてる奴はいないもん。で、たまーにプロジェクタに表示して見せたりすると「それどうなってるんですか」とか。まあ一般人のおまえらは info なんか読まないよね。そうだよね。 でも今日は気が向いたから line-by-line で何が起こってるか解説しちゃうよ。 .screenrc の前にスクリーンショットの解説をちょっとだけ これが普段俺が使ってるノート PC の画面である。これで全画面。OS は普通の Ubuntu で

    俺の .screenrc が火を吹くぜ
  • Screenを使う

    注意: Screenでは、ほとんどすべての機能呼び出しと、2ストロークキーの 関係がカスタマイズ可能です。2ストロークキーは、デフォルトでは C-a(CTRL + a)で始まりますが、emacsやtcshなどでは「行頭へ移動」のときに 頻繁に使いますので、多くのひとが変更しているでしょう。 他人様の設定ファイル(.screenrc)を貰ってくるときは注意しましょう。 「escape」という設定項目で設定できます。ちなみに、わたしは C-tにしています。ので、他のキーに設定しているひとは 適当に読みかえてください。 で、Infoにならって、 以後は「C-?」というのを「^?」という表現にします。 はじめに ...古い「はじめに」はこちらに移動しました。 もくじ 基操作など セッション管理(リアルタイム版) セッション管理(解説) 応用例 その他 おまけ w3m-imgをscreenに対応さ

  • jQuery Fundamentals

    Licensed by Rebecca Murphey under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States license. You are free to copy, distribute, transmit, and remix this work, provided you attribute the work to Rebecca Murphey as the original author and reference the GitHub repository for the work. If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under the sa

  • Video - Dive Into HTML5

    You are here: Home Dive Into HTML5 Video on the Web Diving In Anyone who has visited YouTube.com in the past four years knows that you can embed video in a web page. But prior to HTML5, there was no standards-based way to do this. Virtually all the video you’ve ever watched “on the web” has been funneled through a third-party plugin — maybe QuickTime, maybe RealPlayer, maybe Flash. (YouTube uses F

    Video - Dive Into HTML5
  • jsdo.it

    Come creare il miglior gioco da casinò Quando si progetta un gioco da casinò, la prima cosa che devi considerare è che tipo di gioco sarà. Ci sono molti diversi tipi di giochi da casinò, dalle slot e video poker ai giochi da tavolo e giochi di carte. Dovrai decidere quale tipo di gioco si adatta meglio alle tue esigenze. Ogni tipo di gioco ha il proprio set di regole e regolamenti, quindi dovrai a

  • HTML 5 Tag Reference

    HTML 5 improves interoperability and reduces development costs by making precise rules on how to handle all HTML elements, and how to recover from errors. Some of the new features in HTML 5 are functions for embedding audio, video, graphics, client-side data storage, and interactive documents. HTML 5 also contains new elements like <nav>, <header>, <footer>, and <figure>. The HTML 5 working group

  • FFmpeg

    Converting video and audio has never been so easy. $ ffmpeg -i input.mp4 output.avi News September 30th, 2024, FFmpeg 7.1 "Péter" FFmpeg 7.1 "Péter", a new major release, is now available! A full list of changes can be found in the release changelog. The more important highlights of the release are that the VVC decoder, merged as experimental in version 7.0, has had enough time to mature and be op

  • Native Audio in the browser | HTML5 Doctor

    This article was last updated on 28 May 2014 to reflect changes in the spec. Until recently, the ability to play any type of audio within a browser involved using Adobe Flash or other browser plugins. Although Adobe's Flash player is unquestionably the most ubiquitous of these, most developers and designers would agree that it's better not to rely on a plugin at all. Enter HTML5 <audio> One of the