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".NET Core"の検索結果121 - 160 件 / 223件

  • Memory<T> と Span<T> の使用ガイドライン - .NET

    このブラウザーはサポートされなくなりました。 Microsoft Edge にアップグレードすると、最新の機能、セキュリティ更新プログラム、およびテクニカル サポートを利用できます。 .NET には、任意の連続したメモリ領域を表す多くの型があります。 Span<T> と ReadOnlySpan<T> はマネージド メモリまたはアンマネージド メモリへの参照をラップする軽量のメモリ バッファーです。 このような型はスタック上にのみ格納できるため、非同期メソッドの呼び出しを含むシナリオには適していません。 この問題に対処するために、.NET 2.1 では、Memory<T>、ReadOnlyMemory<T>、IMemoryOwner<T>、MemoryPool<T> など、いくつかの追加型が追加されました。 Span<T> と同様に、Memory<T> とそれに関連する型は、マネージド メ

      Memory<T> と Span<T> の使用ガイドライン - .NET
    • Experimenting with OData in ASP.NET Core 3.1 - OData

      A lot of developers have asked me recently about OData compatibility with ASP.NET Core 3.0 and again with .NET Core 3.1 after it’s very recent release. This demand became more and more critical with the recent announcement from the .NET team around .NET Core 2.2 reaching the end of its life on Dec 23rd of this year. And because of all of that, the OData team at Microsoft have been working diligent

        Experimenting with OData in ASP.NET Core 3.1 - OData
      • Announcing .NET Community Toolkit 8.1! Better, faster MVVM source generators, .NET 7 support, and more! - .NET Blog

        Announcing .NET Community Toolkit 8.1! Better, faster MVVM source generators, .NET 7 support, and more! We’re happy to announce the official launch of the 8.1 release of the .NET Community Toolkit! This new version includes highly requested new features, bug fixes, and massive performance improvements to the MVVM Toolkit source generators, to make the developer UX when using them better than ever!

          Announcing .NET Community Toolkit 8.1! Better, faster MVVM source generators, .NET 7 support, and more! - .NET Blog
        • Building a Progressive Web App with Blazor - Visual Studio Blog

          Building new functionality, writing unit tests, and learning new technologies has never been easier or more fun. A Progressive Web Application (PWA) is a Single Page Application (SPA) that uses modern browser APIs and capabilities to behave like a desktop app. Blazor WebAssembly (now in preview) includes support for Progressive Web Applications. Today, I want to show you how to build your first Bl

            Building a Progressive Web App with Blazor - Visual Studio Blog
          • .NET Interactive Preview 3: VS Code Insiders and .NET Polyglot Notebooks - .NET Blog

            .NET Interactive Preview 3: VS Code Insiders and .NET Polyglot Notebooks ***Please note this post is outdated. The .NET Interactive Notebooks Extension is now named Polyglot Notebooks. See here to learn more: https://devblogs.microsoft.com/dotnet/dotnet-interactive-notebooks-is-now-polyglot-notebooks/ *** In .NET Interactive Preview 2, we announced that in addition to Jupyter Notebook and Jupyter

              .NET Interactive Preview 3: VS Code Insiders and .NET Polyglot Notebooks - .NET Blog
            • Elevating C# Code Quality with Qodana: A Journey Towards Perfection | The .NET Tools Blog

              IDEs AppCode CLion DataGrip DataSpell Fleet GoLand IntelliJ IDEA PhpStorm PyCharm RustRover Rider RubyMine WebStorm Plugins & Services Big Data Tools Code With Me Quality Assurance JetBrains Platform Scala Toolbox App Writerside JetBrains AI Team Tools Datalore Space TeamCity Upsource YouTrack Hub Qodana .NET & Visual Studio .NET Tools ReSharper C++ Languages & Frameworks Kotlin Ktor MPS Amper Edu

                Elevating C# Code Quality with Qodana: A Journey Towards Perfection | The .NET Tools Blog
              • 必ず、かの邪知暴虐の T4 を除かねばならぬと決意した

                個人的に、前々から「T4 は将来性が見えなさ過ぎてもう使うのやめたい」と言い続けていたわけですが、 最近ようやく自分が保守している T4 を全部別の手段で書き換えたので、 今日はそれの話。 T4 (Text Template Transformation Toolkit) テキスト テンプレートというと、ひな形的なテキストを簡易な文法で生成するようなものです。 例えば、 public static bool TryParse(this string s, out {{T}} x) => {{T}}.TryParse(s, out x); みたいな文字列の、{{T}} のところに bool, byte, int, double を与えて、 public static bool TryParse(this string s, out bool x) => bool.TryParse(s, ou

                  必ず、かの邪知暴虐の T4 を除かねばならぬと決意した
                • Porting Assistant for .NET - Amazon Web Services

                  Insight and assistance for porting from .NET Framework to .NET Core Porting Assistant for .NET is an analysis tool that scans .NET Framework applications and generates a .NET Core compatibility assessment, helping you port your applications to Linux faster. Porting .NET Framework applications to .NET Core helps customers take advantage of the performance, cost savings, and robust ecosystem of Linu

                    Porting Assistant for .NET - Amazon Web Services
                  • An Introduction to System.Threading.Channels - .NET Blog

                    “Producer/consumer” problems are everywhere, in all facets of our lives. A line cook at a fast food restaurant, slicing tomatoes that are handed off to another cook to assemble a burger, which is handed off to a register worker to fulfill your order, which you happily gobble down. Postal drivers delivering mail all along their routes, and you either seeing a truck arrive and going out to the mailb

                      An Introduction to System.Threading.Channels - .NET Blog
                    • Migration-WPF-to-NET-Core-3.0/README.md at master · nuitsjp/Migration-WPF-to-NET-Core-3.0

                      2019年はWPFにとって多くの意味でインパクトのある話題のある年となっています。その中でも次の二つはもっとも大きな影響を私たちに与えるでしょう。 9月に正式にリリースされる.NET Core 3.0でWPFがサポートされる事となった .NET Frameworkのメジャーバージョンが最新の4.8で最後のメジャーバージョンであると告知された これから継続的にWPFアプリケーションに取り組んでいくうえで、.NET Core 3.0への移行は免れません。しかし新規開発ならまだしも、既存のアプリケーションを移行することは現実的なことなのでしょうか? そこで本ハンズオンでは、実際に.NET Frameworkで構築したアプリケーションをもとに、.NET Coreへ移行していただき移行の「感覚」を理解していただこうと思います。

                        Migration-WPF-to-NET-Core-3.0/README.md at master · nuitsjp/Migration-WPF-to-NET-Core-3.0
                      • gRPC vs HTTP APIs - .NET Blog

                        ASP.NET Core now enables developers to build gRPC services. gRPC is an opinionated contract-first remote procedure call framework, with a focus on performance and developer productivity. gRPC integrates with ASP.NET Core 3.0, so you can use your existing ASP.NET Core logging, configuration, authentication patterns to build new gRPC services. This blog post compares gRPC to JSON HTTP APIs, discusse

                          gRPC vs HTTP APIs - .NET Blog
                        • Productivity comes to .NET MAUI in Visual Studio 2022 - .NET Blog

                          Azure Developers .NET Day is back on April 30th! Join the .NET community to learn cutting-edge cloud development techniques from experts on cloud services for AI, data, cloud-native, and developer productivity. Elevate your cloud development skills today! Today, we’re excited to announce that .NET Multi-platform App UI has graduated from preview and is available in the release edition of Visual St

                            Productivity comes to .NET MAUI in Visual Studio 2022 - .NET Blog
                          • .NET Interactive with SQL!| .NET Notebooks in Visual Studio Code - .NET Blog

                            Azure Developers .NET Day is back on April 30th! Join the .NET community to learn cutting-edge cloud development techniques from experts on cloud services for AI, data, cloud-native, and developer productivity. Elevate your cloud development skills today! ***Please note this post is outdated. The .NET Interactive Notebooks Extension is now named Polyglot Notebooks. See here to learn more: https://

                              .NET Interactive with SQL!| .NET Notebooks in Visual Studio Code - .NET Blog
                            • KOSMISCHは.NET Frameworkの.NET Core化に使えそう | DevelopersIO

                              こんにちは、CX事業本部の夏目です。 先日、オルターブースのKOSMISCHのハンズオンに参加してきたので、共有します。 オルターブース 福岡で、MSのクラウド Azureを得意とする会社。 端的に言うと次のような会社。 MSのMVPを受賞した人が何人もいる Azureだけでなく、AWSも使用している CloudPointerというクラウドインテグレーションのサービスを行っている (直近の事例で言えば、GateboxのLINEチャットボットがある) KOSMISCHというマイクロサービス開発/システムのクラウド化の支援サービスを行っている (今回の話) MySauceFactoryという自分好みの調味料(ソース)を作るサービスを行っている KOSMISCH Monolith プログラムソースコードを解析し、クラウドネイティブ化するためのレポートを自動作成します。 C# (ASP.NET)の

                                KOSMISCHは.NET Frameworkの.NET Core化に使えそう | DevelopersIO
                              • Code scanning adds support for C# 11 / .NET 7

                                April 4, 2023 GitHub Code Scanning now supports scanning projects built with C#11 / .NET 7 and leveraging the latest language features. These features include: Generic attributes Generic math support Numeric IntPtr and UIntPtr Newlines in string interpolations List patterns Improved method group conversion to delegate Raw string liters Auto-default struct Pattern match Span or ReadOnlySpan on a co

                                  Code scanning adds support for C# 11 / .NET 7
                                • New C# Source Generator Samples - .NET Blog

                                  Phillip introduced C# Source Generators here. This post describes two new generators that we added to the samples project in the Roslyn SDK github repo. The first generator gives you strongly typed access to CSV data. The second one creates string constants based on Mustache specifications. Source Generators Overview It is important to have a good mental picture of how source generators operate. C

                                    New C# Source Generator Samples - .NET Blog
                                  • Producing Packages with Source Link - .NET Blog

                                    In our last post, we showed you how you can debug into the framework and dependencies that was produced with Source Link. In this post, we’ll show you how to add Source Link to your projects. This is beneficial both for public and internal projects. How Source Link Works At its most basic, Source Link generates a JSON file that maps raw source code locations to the source files in the build. This

                                      Producing Packages with Source Link - .NET Blog
                                    • What's new for gRPC in .NET 6 - .NET Blog

                                      protocolbuffers/protobuf#7645 adds a new API for creating ByteString instances. If you know the underlying data won’t change, then use UnsafeByteOperations.UnsafeWrap to create a ByteString without copying the underlying data. This is very useful if an app works with large byte payloads and you want to reduce garbage collection frequency. var data = await File.ReadAllBytesAsync(@"c:large_file.json

                                        What's new for gRPC in .NET 6 - .NET Blog
                                      • Embracing nullable reference types - .NET Blog

                                        Probably the most impactful feature of C# 8.0 is Nullable Reference Types (NRTs). It lets you make the flow of nulls explicit in your code, and warns you when you don’t act according to intent. The NRT feature holds you to a higher standard on how you deal with nulls, and as such it issues new warnings on existing code. So that those warnings (however useful) don’t break you, the feature must be e

                                          Embracing nullable reference types - .NET Blog
                                        • 2021-12-24: Npgsql 6.0.2, AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio 2022, MAUI 6.0.101-preview.11 - WeekRef.NET

                                          2021-12-24: Npgsql 6.0.2, AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio 2022, MAUI 6.0.101-preview.11 トピックス Release v6.0.2 · npgsql/npgsql https://github.com/npgsql/npgsql/releases/tag/v6.0.2 Npgsql 6.0.2 がリリースされた。 6.0.0 でパラメータ名のマッチングを case-sensitive に変更したが、いくつかのシナリオでパラメータプレースホルダーがカラム名として評価されデータの損失が発生する問題があったため差し戻されている。 AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio 2022 - Visual Studio Marketplace https://marketplace.visualstudi

                                          • Blazor WebAssembly 3.2.0 Preview 1 release now available - .NET Blog

                                            Today we released a new preview update for Blazor WebAssembly with a bunch of great new features and improvements. Here’s what’s new in this release: Version updated to 3.2 Simplified startup Download size improvements Support for .NET SignalR client Get started To get started with Blazor WebAssembly 3.2.0 Preview 1 install the .NET Core 3.1 SDK and then run the following command: dotnet new -i Mi

                                              Blazor WebAssembly 3.2.0 Preview 1 release now available - .NET Blog
                                            • Customizing Trimming in .NET 5 - .NET Blog

                                              Customizing Trimming In the last blog post, we talked about how trimming in .NET 5 has been expanded to be able to trim types and members that are detected as not being used in the application, and that detection uses static analysis, it doesn’t run the code for the app, so it doesn’t know which branches won’t be taken or what values variables will actually contain at runtime. The trimming can eit

                                                Customizing Trimming in .NET 5 - .NET Blog
                                              • ASP.NET Core updates in .NET 7 Preview 4 - .NET Blog

                                                Azure Developers .NET Day is back on April 30th! Join the .NET community to learn cutting-edge cloud development techniques from experts on cloud services for AI, data, cloud-native, and developer productivity. Elevate your cloud development skills today! .NET 7 Preview 4 is now available and includes many great new improvements to ASP.NET Core. Here’s a summary of what’s new in this preview relea

                                                  ASP.NET Core updates in .NET 7 Preview 4 - .NET Blog
                                                • How to write data to appsettings.json in a console application (.net Core)?

                                                  To read data from appsettings.json I useConfigurationBuilder, ConfigurationBinder. ConfigurationBuilder,ConfigurationBinder allow you to read data from appsettings.json. Questions: - How to write data to appsettings.json in a console application? Can I write data to appsettings.json usingConfigurationBuilder, ConfigurationBinder? Or do I need to use JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Settings> (fileTe

                                                    How to write data to appsettings.json in a console application (.net Core)?
                                                  • Intro to DocFX

                                                    DocFX is an open source, static site generator that can produce documentation from source code as well as Markdown files. In this episode, Den Delimarsky comes on to show us how to get started with using DocFx to create our down documentation. [00:49] - What does the Microsoft Docs team work on?[01:44] - What does DocFX do?[03:11] - Where to get started?[04:08] - Creating a new DocFx project with

                                                      Intro to DocFX
                                                    • The Plan for Entity Framework Core 6.0 - .NET Blog

                                                      Today we are excited to share with you the plan for Entity Framework Core 6.0. This plan brings together input from many stakeholders and outlines where and how we intend to invest for the Entity Framework (EF Core) 6.0 release. This plan is not set-in-stone and will evolve as we work on the release based on what we learn. This learning includes feedback from people like you, so please let us know

                                                        The Plan for Entity Framework Core 6.0 - .NET Blog
                                                      • NET Core Releases and Support - .NET Blog

                                                        7/15/2021: this post was revised to update the support period for “Current” releases from 15 months to 18 months, or 6 months after the next release ships. While we’ve covered .NET Core releases, cadence and support policies in previous blog posts, the information has been distributed across a couple of individual posts. With the .NET 5 release just around the corner, we thought this is a good tim

                                                          NET Core Releases and Support - .NET Blog
                                                        • C# Support in Fleet: Solution View, Unit Testing, and More! | The .NET Tools Blog

                                                          IDEs AppCode CLion DataGrip DataSpell Fleet GoLand IntelliJ IDEA PhpStorm PyCharm RustRover Rider RubyMine WebStorm Plugins & Services Big Data Tools Code With Me Quality Assurance JetBrains Platform Scala Toolbox App Writerside JetBrains AI Team Tools Datalore Space TeamCity Upsource YouTrack Hub Qodana .NET & Visual Studio .NET Tools ReSharper C++ Languages & Frameworks Kotlin Ktor MPS Amper Edu

                                                            C# Support in Fleet: Solution View, Unit Testing, and More! | The .NET Tools Blog
                                                          • App Trimming in .NET 5 - .NET Blog

                                                            What is trimming One of the big differences between .NET Core and .NET Framework is that .NET Core supports self-contained deployment – everything needed to run the application is bundled together. It doesn’t depend on having the framework separately installed. From an application developer perspective, this means that you know exactly which version of the runtime is being used, and the installati

                                                              App Trimming in .NET 5 - .NET Blog
                                                            • C#/WinRT Authoring Preview and Updates

                                                              The C#/WinRT team is excited to announce our latest release, which includes a preview of C#/WinRT authoring with the latest C#/WinRT NuGet package, as well as updates to the .NET 5.0 SDK with the .NET February update. Since our last blog post on C#/WinRT v1.0, we have some new features to show off! The latest C#/WinRT NuGet package, which is version 1.1.2-prerelease.210208.6, includes a preview of

                                                                C#/WinRT Authoring Preview and Updates
                                                              • .NET での gRPC のトラブルシューティング

                                                                このドキュメントでは、.NET で gRPC アプリを開発する際によく発生する問題について説明します。 クライアントとサービスの SSL/TLS 構成が一致しない GRPC テンプレートとサンプルでは、トランスポート層セキュリティ (TLS) を使用して、既定で gRPC サービスをセキュリティ保護しています。 gRPC クライアントは、セキュリティ保護された gRPC サービスを正常に呼び出すために、セキュリティ保護された接続を使用する必要があります。 アプリの起動時に書き込まれたログで、ASP.NET Core gRPC サービスが TLS を使用していることを確認できます。 サービスは、HTTPS エンドポイントでリッスンします。 info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0] Now listening on: https://localhost:5001

                                                                  .NET での gRPC のトラブルシューティング
                                                                • Refactor your code with C# collection expressions - .NET Blog

                                                                  This post is the second in a series of posts covering various refactoring scenarios that explore C# 12 features. In this post, we’ll look at how you can refactor your code using collection expressions, we’ll learn about collection initializers, various expression usages, supported collection target types, and the spread syntax. Here’s how the series is shaping up: Refactor your C# code with primar

                                                                    Refactor your code with C# collection expressions - .NET Blog
                                                                  • Play Audio and Video in .NET MAUI apps with the new MediaElement - .NET Blog

                                                                    Play Audio and Video in .NET MAUI apps with the new MediaElement One of the most anticipated controls for .NET MAUI has been released; MediaElement. With MediaElement you can easily play audio and video from within your .NET MAUI app, in this post you’ll learn everything you need to know about this first version and the plans we have for the future! The Media Element is part of the .NET MAUI Commu

                                                                      Play Audio and Video in .NET MAUI apps with the new MediaElement - .NET Blog
                                                                    • .NET debugging in a single picture – TooSlowException

                                                                      Have you ever wonder what happens when you create and use breakpoints in .NET? Here’s a little picture that answers that question (if you don’t like the font, you have a different version at the bottom). We have the main actors here as follows: .NET Application – our regular .NET application that we want to debug. Methods, as provided by the compiler in the Intermediate Language form (IL) are Just

                                                                      • Getting started with UI testing .NET MAUI apps using Appium - .NET Blog

                                                                        Testing is a crucial part of software development to ensure the quality of your application. While there are many forms of testing, one that is particularly popular is user-interface testing, also known as UI testing. In this blog post we will have a look at how to get started with UI testing your .NET MAUI app, on mobile and desktop, by using Appium. What is Appium? Appium is a UI testing framewo

                                                                          Getting started with UI testing .NET MAUI apps using Appium - .NET Blog
                                                                        • dotnet repl

                                                                          Go get .NET 5 for Windows, Mac, or Linux, over at https://dotnet.microsoft.com/ Then install Jon Sequeria's "dotnet repl" with this one line global tool install: dotnet tool install --global dotnet-repl Then just type dotnet repl at the command line. Use the Windows Terminal ideally. That will drop you here! With .NET Interactive/.NET Notebooks at the heart, consider this command-line experimental

                                                                            dotnet repl
                                                                          • Introducing the .NET Upgrade Assistant Preview - .NET Blog

                                                                            Azure Developers .NET Day is back on April 30th! Join the .NET community to learn cutting-edge cloud development techniques from experts on cloud services for AI, data, cloud-native, and developer productivity. Elevate your cloud development skills today! Today we’re excited to introduce a tool we’ve been working on to help you upgrade your .NET Framework-based applications to .NET 5 called the .N

                                                                              Introducing the .NET Upgrade Assistant Preview - .NET Blog
                                                                            • What's next for System.Text.Json? - .NET Blog

                                                                              .NET 5.0 was released recently and has come with many new features and performance improvements. System.Text.Json is no exception. We have improved performance, reliability, and made it easier to adopt for people who are familiar with Newtonsoft.Json. In this post, I’m going to talk about the progress that has been made with System.Text.Json, and what’s going to come next. Getting the library If y

                                                                                What's next for System.Text.Json? - .NET Blog
                                                                              • Improvements to auth and identity in ASP.NET Core 8 - .NET Blog

                                                                                The ASP.NET Core team is improving authentication, authorization, and identity management (collectively referred to as “auth”) in .NET 8. New APIs will make it easier to customize the user login and identity management experience. New endpoints will enable token-based authentication and authorization in Single Page Applications (SPA) with no external dependencies. We will also improve our guidance

                                                                                  Improvements to auth and identity in ASP.NET Core 8 - .NET Blog
                                                                                • Tim Deschryver

                                                                                  👀 Just show me the code already With the upcoming release of .NET 6, we're also getting a new API to build applications. This new API is called the "Minimal Web API". This blog post came to life because seeing this new structure triggered some new brainwaves that made me question my current project structure. After having read about CUPID by Dan North these thoughts have only amplified. Before we

                                                                                    Tim Deschryver