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  • 立食パーティー完全攻略マニュアル。専門家に学ぶ「初対面の人とスムーズに会話する技術」 - ミーツキャリアbyマイナビ転職

    さまざまな職種のビジネスパーソンにとって、初対面の人と親睦を深めるコミュニケーションスキルは重要です。ただ、商談やミーティングと違って明確な目的がない、例えば立食パーティーのような場で「どう振る舞っていいか分からない」「初対面の人と何を話せばいいか分からない」と感じる人も多いのではないでしょうか。 立食パーティーという場を“攻略”して、コミュニケーションスキルを鍛えるにはどうすればよいのでしょうか? そこで今回は、数多くのビジネスパーソンのコミュニケーションに関する悩みを解決してきたコミュニケーションのプロ・藤田尚弓さんに、立食パーティーでの「立ち回り方」を教えていただきました。 藤田尚弓さん。応用心理士。コミュニケーションコンサルタント。株式会社アップウェブ代表取締役。全国初の防犯専従職として警察署に勤務し、防犯関連のコミュニケーションデザインを担当した後、銀座のクラブ、民間企業を経て、

      立食パーティー完全攻略マニュアル。専門家に学ぶ「初対面の人とスムーズに会話する技術」 - ミーツキャリアbyマイナビ転職
    • GitHub Copilot: The agent awakens

      When we introduced GitHub Copilot back in 2021, we had a clear goal: to make developers’ lives easier with an AI pair programmer that helps them write better code. The name reflects our belief that artificial intelligence (AI) isn’t replacing the developer. Instead, it’s always on their side. And like any good first officer, Copilot can also fly by itself: for example, when providing pull request

        GitHub Copilot: The agent awakens
      • How has DeepSeek improved the Transformer architecture?

        How has DeepSeek improved the Transformer architecture? DeepSeek has recently released DeepSeek v3, which is currently state-of-the-art in benchmark performance among open-weight models, alongside a technical report describing in some detail the training of the model. Impressively, they’ve achieved this SOTA performance by only using 2.8 million H800 hours of training hardware time—equivalent to a

          How has DeepSeek improved the Transformer architecture?
        • S1: The $6 R1 Competitor?

          S1: The $6 R1 Competitor? Mon February 03, 2025 A new paper released on Friday is making waves in the AI community, not because of the model it describes, but because it shows how close we are to some very large breakthroughs in AI. The model is just below state of the art, but it can run on my laptop. More important, it sheds light on how all this stuff works, and it’s not complicated. Inference

          • The Mythical IO-Bound Rails App

            I want to write a post about Pitchfork, explaining where it comes from, why it is like it is, and how I see its future. But before I can get to that, I think I need to explain a few things. When the topic of Rails performance comes up, it is commonplace to hear that the database is the bottleneck, so Rails applications are IO-bound anyway, hence Ruby performance doesn’t matter that much, and all y

            • Build It Yourself

              Build It Yourself written on Friday, January 24, 2025 Another day, another rant about dependencies. from me. This time I will ask you that we start and support a vibe shift when it comes to dependencies. You're probably familiar with the concept of “dependency churn.” It's that never-ending treadmill of updates, patches, audits, and transitive dependencies that we as developers love to casually in

                Build It Yourself
              • The hunt for error -22 - Blog - Tweede golf

                This article is a linear retrospective of how we searched for and eventually fixed a hard-to-find bug in our embedded software. If you're only interested in the outcome, then make sure to read the last three sections. Sit back and grab a drink. This one is a doozy. BackgroundAt Tweede golf we do lots of engineering work, and a while ago we worked for a client using the nRF9160 microcontroller. Thi

                  The hunt for error -22 - Blog - Tweede golf