バイリンガルニュースMamiの文字おしゃべり 2017.02.04 公開 ポスト vol.56 トランプ政権で生まれた流行語、「alternative facts」とは?Mami(Podcast「バイリンガルニュース」MC)
Where do we most often find real truth, real facts in a new era of Internet hoaxes, fake news stories and new political administrations that tout their own "alternative facts"? Many citizens appear confused and worried. News stories from the BBC and the New York Times and Money magazine are reporting (with proof) that dystopian novels such as 1984 by George Orwell and Brave New World by Aldous Hux
Ursula Le Guin on fiction vs. 'alternative facts': Letter to the editorUpdated: Feb. 01, 2017, 2:30 p.m.|Published: Feb. 01, 2017, 1:30 p.m. Legendary Portland writer Ursula Le Guin is pictured here in her home in this March 2016 photo.(Motoya Nakamura) A recent letter in The Oregonian compares a politician's claim to tell "alternative facts" to the inventions of science fiction. The comparison wo
Spicer also gave incorrect information about the use of white ground coverings during the inauguration. He stated that they were used for the first time during the Trump inauguration and were to blame for a visual effect that made the audience look smaller. The white ground coverings, however, had been used in 2013 when Obama was sworn in for the second term.[12] Spicer did not take questions from