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"Design Thinking"の検索結果1 - 11 件 / 11件

  • Design thinking was supposed to fix the world. Where did it go wrong?

    Design thinking was supposed to fix the world. Where did it go wrong? When Kyle Cornforth first walked into IDEO’s San Francisco offices in 2011, she felt she had entered a whole new world. At the time, Cornforth was a director at the Edible Schoolyard Project, a nonprofit that uses gardening and cooking in schools to teach and to provide nutritious food. She was there to meet with IDEO.org, a new

      Design thinking was supposed to fix the world. Where did it go wrong?
    • Design Thinking Pioneer IDEO Lays Off 25% Employees

      Ideo lays off 125 employees and closes offices in Munich and Tokyo ideo layoffsDesign powerhouse Ideo has been facing a series of challenges, which have led to significant staff layoffs and the closure of some of its offices. Ideo has been known for its innovative design thinking approach, but as the demand for such services has declined, the company has had to adapt. The company’s CEO, Derek Robs

        Design Thinking Pioneer IDEO Lays Off 25% Employees
      • Adobe XDで始めるAtomic Design | Thinking Salad

        札幌在住のWeb屋。 Bracketsが好き過ぎて本を書いたり、CSSの新しいアーキテクチャであるPRECSSを作るなど色々しております。 仕事ではHubSpotをメインにやってます。

        • On Design Thinking | Maggie Gram

          Peter Soriano, Synthetic Contrivance. 2016, spray paint and acrylic on wall. 10'6" × 13'6". Courtesy of the artist and Lennon, Weinberg, New York. Gainesville is a medium-size city in the middle of northern Florida. It is subtropical and often beautiful: its streets are lined with water oak and sweet gum and Chickasaw plum trees, its buildings crawling with Spanish moss. It is also poor. Nearly 34

            On Design Thinking | Maggie Gram
          • Design thinking courses and certifications - Enterprise Design Thinking

            Take design thinking courses, earn certifications, and bring your team along with you.

              Design thinking courses and certifications - Enterprise Design Thinking
            • Responsible Innovation: The Next Wave of Design Thinking

              The Responsible Innovation Toolkit guides product makers through the socio-technical implications of their creations. Every profession experiences waves of evolution. Moments in time where processes emerge from changing socio-economic, technological, or environmental contexts. Within Design, we’ve ebbed and flowed between waterfall, Agile, iterative, and inclusive design thinking, among others. As

                Responsible Innovation: The Next Wave of Design Thinking
              • Empathy Mapping: The First Step in Design Thinking

                Summary: Visualizing user attitudes and behaviors in an empathy map helps UX teams align on a deep understanding of end users. The mapping process also reveals any holes in existing user data. As UX professionals, it is our job to advocate on behalf of the user. However, in order to do it, not only must we deeply understand our users, but we must also help our colleagues understand them and priori

                  Empathy Mapping: The First Step in Design Thinking
                • Design Thinking Courses, Workshops, and Programs | Stanford Center for Professional Development

                  Design thinking is a process to stimulate innovation, drawing on methods from engineering and design and combining them with ideas from the arts, social sciences, and the business world. Through Stanford University's unique programs, you will learn "d.thinking" techniques to cultivate innovation and strategic leadership. Unleash the power of prototyping to ask new questions and drive innovationLea

                  • 「 ライブパフォーマンス × テクノロジー」 design thinking < creative action! 実装、実験を通じて新しい表現にチャレンジして来たBehind the scenesを紹介 - sight update session エンジニアへのラブコール - #sight

                    登壇者 真鍋 大度(株式会社Rhizomatiks取締役、Rhizomatiks Research代表) MIKIKO(演出振付家) 2019-11-07 at TECH PLAY Shibuya 続きを読む

                      「 ライブパフォーマンス × テクノロジー」 design thinking < creative action! 実装、実験を通じて新しい表現にチャレンジして来たBehind the scenesを紹介 - sight update session エンジニアへのラブコール - #sight
                    • DESIGN THINKING_mag|NZ|note

                      そのアイデアに、大義はあるか? なんてことない雑記です。さいきん、友人、同僚とコロナ周りで何かできないか、と話す機会があった。そういう意思を持てる人がいることは本当に素晴らしい。いっぽうでアクションを起こそうとする人、起こす人以外が素晴らしくないかと言うとそんなこともない。毎日手洗いうがいをして、予防に努めている人も、同じくらい素晴らしいとぼくはおもっている。 それで言うと、サクちゃんさんのこのnoteは秀逸だった。最近じゃ誰もが「夢をもて」だなんて言われるけど、世の中持てる人ばかりじゃなくて、夢を持てな

                        DESIGN THINKING_mag|NZ|note
                      • 京都工芸繊維大学 KYOTO Design Lab|「Kyoto Design Thinking EXPO 2022」を開催

                        京都工芸繊維大学 KYOTO Design Lab|「Kyoto Design Thinking EXPO 2022」を開催「創造性」と「デザイン思考」をテーマとしたイベント「Kyoto Design Thinking EXPO 2022」を2022年7月1日(金)京都工芸繊維大学 60周年記念館にて開催いたします。 京都⼯芸繊維⼤学 KYOTO Design Lab(住所:京都市左京区松ヶ崎橋上町1)は、グローバル企業から提供される課題に対し、デザイン思考の方法論を用いて海外の大学と協同で取り組む革新的なプログラムME31/SUGARの成果発表として、2022年7月1日(金)12:30-19:00、京都工芸繊維大学60周年記念館にて「Kyoto Design Thinking EXPO 2022」を開催致します。本イベントはオンラインでのご参加も可能です。 研究プロジェクトの成果発表のほ

                          京都工芸繊維大学 KYOTO Design Lab|「Kyoto Design Thinking EXPO 2022」を開催