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"jquery plugin"の検索結果1 - 40 件 / 758件

  • 画像ポップアウト・イメージギャラリー・スライドショー|jQuery plugin|Ajax|PHP & JavaScript Room

    Lightweight Circle slideshow〔くるくる回して画像を切り替える円形のイメージギャラリー〕 Smooth Div Scroll〔水平方向に並べた画像をマウス操作でするするスクロール〕 Nivo Slider〔9種類のエフェクトがかけられるイメージスライダー〕 Galleriffic〔画像ギャラリーをリッチかつ高速にレンダリング〕 IMGPREVIEW〔マウスオーバーでリンク先の画像をプレビュー表示〕 jQuery largePhotoBox plugin〔大きな画像対応ポップアップ(マウス移動で画像全体を閲覧可能)〕 PIROBOX〔シンプルかっこいい画像ポップアップ〕 bxGallery〔シンプルな画像ギャラリー〕 A Simple jQuery Slideshow〔シンプルなスライドショー〕 Accessible News Slider〔全件表示や件数に応じて前

      画像ポップアウト・イメージギャラリー・スライドショー|jQuery plugin|Ajax|PHP & JavaScript Room
    • jRumble | A jQuery Plugin That Rumbles Elements

      Latest Version: 1.3 Latest Release Date: December 3, 2011 Original Release Date: March 30, 2011 Compressed: 1.47kb Uncompressed: 4.84kb View GitHub Repository About The Plugin jRumble is a jQuery plugin that rumbles, vibrates, shakes, and rotates any element you choose. It's great to use as a hover effect or a way to direct attention to an element. 2016-11-04 Update This project is no longer being

        jRumble | A jQuery Plugin That Rumbles Elements
      • jQueryでGoogle Mapsを簡単に扱えるようになるプラグイン『Google Maps jQuery Plugin』 - IDEA*IDEA 〜 百式管理人のライフハックブログ


          jQueryでGoogle Mapsを簡単に扱えるようになるプラグイン『Google Maps jQuery Plugin』 - IDEA*IDEA 〜 百式管理人のライフハックブログ
        • jQuery plugin: Tablesorter 2.0

          tablesorter.com 2024 著作権. 不許複製 プライバシーポリシー

          • HOKYPOKY. | MULTICOL. jQuery Plugin

            MULTICOL. はHTMLで雑誌のような美しい段組みレイアウトを実現するだけのシンプルなjQueryプラグインです。 もちろん、日本製のプラグインなので日本語もきれいに段組みにします。 一 或春の日暮です。 唐の西の門の下に、ぼんやり空を仰いでいる、一人の若者がありました。 若者は名を杜子春といって、元は金持の息子でしたが、今は財産を費な身分になっているのです。 何しろその頃洛陽といえば、天下に並ぶもののない、繁昌は、まるで画のような美しさです。 しかし杜子春は相変らず、門の壁に身を凭かと思う程、かすかに白く浮んでいるのです。 「日は暮れるし、腹は減るし、その上もうどこへ行っても、泊めてくれる所はなさそうだし——こんな思いをして生きている位なら、一そ川へでも身を投げて、死んでしまった方がましかも知れない」 杜子春はひとりさっきから、こんな取りとめもないことを思いめぐらしてい

            • GitHub - RonnieSan/uploadify: A jQuery plugin for file uploads.

              You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                GitHub - RonnieSan/uploadify: A jQuery plugin for file uploads.
              • 画像ポップアウト・イメージギャラリー・スライドショー|jQuery plugin|Ajax|PHP & JavaScript Room

                PHP、JavaScript、CSS、Webページ埋め込みによる音声・動画配信方法など、実用的なプログラミング・テクニックを解説jQueryでシンプルにスライドショーを実装する方法が掲載されています。 スライドショーとして表示する画像をあらかじめimg要素で列挙しておき、z-indexを変更することで入れ替え表示しています。 スライドのスピードはミリ秒で指定可能です。 すべての画像を表示し終わると、また繰り返し最初からリピート再生されます。 スライドを開始する画像のimg要素にはactiveクラスを指定します。 設置イメージ A Simple jQuery Slideshowの設置サンプルサンプルを見る<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtm

                • Chosen: A jQuery Plugin by Harvest to Tame Unwieldy Select Boxes

                  Hide Search on Single Select The disable_search_threshold option can be specified to hide the search input on single selects if there are n or fewer options. $(".chosen-select").chosen({disable_search_threshold: 10}); Default Text Support Chosen automatically sets the default field text ("Choose a country...") by reading the select element's data-placeholder value. If no data-placeholder value is

                  • Flip! A jQuery plugin

                    Flip is a jQuery plugin to apply flip animation to any element.0.4.1 Fixed some regression in Chrome and Safari 0.4 Fixed some bugs with transparent color. Now Flip! works on non-white backgrounds! 0.3 Added the content setting: now you can define the next content of your Flip!box. 0.2 Fixed jQuery chainability and buggy innerText rendering (Thanks xNephilimx for your tips!) 0.1 Kick off

                    • s3Slider jQuery plugin

                      Example 1 This example shows the layer appears on top or bottom. Lorem ipsum dolor Consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec eu massa vitae arcu laoreet aliquet. Praesent Maecenas est erat, aliquam a, ornare eu, pretium nec, pede. In hac habitasse Quisque ipsum est, fermentum quis, sodales nec, consectetuer sed, quam. Nulla feugiat lacinia odio. Fusce rhoncus Praesent pellentesque nibh sed nibh. Sed ac

                      • BigVideo.js - The jQuery Plugin for Big Background Video

                        BigVideo.js The jQuery Plugin for Big Background Video (and Images) 12-30-2015 Update This project is no longer under active development. Much has changed since the summer of 2012 when BigVideo.js was launched. For more current information on implementing video backgrounds, check out these links: CSS Tricks - Should I use a video as a background? Dudley Storey - Create Fullscreen HTML5 Page Backgr

                        • Japan Map ( jQuery plugin )

                          Quick Start Include jquery-japan-map.js after jQuery. Then $(selector).japanMap(options) method will create most simple clickable canvas map of prefectures of Japan. The $.japanMap method take an object as argument which defines options. At least, you may have to implement onSelect event handler, which runs when a prefecture of the map is clicked or touched. Here is most simple example. <!DOCTYPE

                          • ツールチップ|jQuery plugin|Ajax|PHP & JavaScript Room

                            [CSS]jquery.cluetip.css [JS]jquery.js v1.2.6、jquery.dimensions.js、jquery.hoverIntent.js、jquery.cluetip.js HEAD <!-- JS --> <script src="jquery-1.2.6.min.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script> <script src="jquery.dimensions.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="jquery.hoverIntent.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <!-- optional --> <script src="jquery.cluetip.js" type="t

                              ツールチップ|jQuery plugin|Ajax|PHP & JavaScript Room
                            • bassistance.de &raquo; jQuery plugin: Validation

                              Jörn Zaefferer's personal blog about music, software and anything else.

                              • Galleriffic | A jQuery plugin for rendering fast-performing photo galleries

                                Usage Download the latest version of Galleriffic and jQuery 1.3 (also works with jQuery 1.2.6 ... use other versions of jQuery at your own risk) View the source of this page to see a full-featured example setup. All container selectors are optional, so you may choose to not include an area (such as the loading container or caption container). Here is an example of all the elements needed for a f

                                • jQuery plugin refactoring

                                  step1: 動けばいいレベル 適当にざっくり書いて終了 イベントハンドラのなかでテキトーに全て終わらせる メソッドチェイン長いのがかっこいいと思ってる年頃 <div class="item"> <div class="label">A</div> <h2 class="title">itemA</h2> <p class="main">text text text text</p> <p class="showMore">more</p> <p class="more">more more more more</p> <p class="hideMore">hide</p> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="label">B</div> <h2 class="title">itemB</h2> <p class="main">text text

                                  • Spacegallery - jQuery plugin

                                    About Again another image gallery. Click on the images bellow to see it in action. Download spacegallery.zip (205 kb): jQuery, Javscript files, CSS files, images, examples and instructions. Changelog 09.01.2008 The first release release. Implement Attach the Javascript and CSS files to your document. Edit CSS file and fix the paths to images and change colors to fit your site theme. Important: be

                                    • Shawn Mayzes - Google Maps jQuery Plugin

                                      Google Maps jQuery Plugin - Shawn Mayzes Welcome to the developer documentation for the jQuery Google Maps Plugin! The Google Maps jQuery Plugin lets you simply embed Google Maps using The Google Maps JavaScript API in your web pages. To useThe Google Maps JavaScript API, you need to first sign up for an API key. Once you've received an API key, you can develop a map application following the inst

                                      • bassistance.de » jQuery plugin: Treeview

                                        Note as of April 2010: While the plugin still works as it is, it has some shortcomings, and not maintained anymore. There are now plenty of alternative jQuery tree plugins, like jsTree. Note October 2010: Despite the above, I’ve moved the plugin to GitHub, fixed a bug when combining persist: “location” and prerendered: true, and released (tagged in Git) 1.4.1. Transform an unordered list into an e

                                        • iPhone SafariでCarousel風のUIを実現するjQuery Plugin「jCarousel」作りました - くらげだらけ

                                          iPhone・iPadのWebアプリケーション開発を相変わらず研究しています。 最近のiPhone・iPad Webアプリケーション開発と言えば「Sencha Touch」ですね。リリースされてから何だかんだ言い訳して、ガッツリ勉強することから逃げていますが、まぁそろそろ(本当に)ガッツリ研究していこうと思います。 と、冒頭でSencha Touchの話になりましたが、今回はjQueryのプラグインです。 jQueryのiPhone Webアプリケーション開発と言えば「jQTouch」ですが、Sencha Touchに比べると用意されているUIもイベントなんかも少ないんですよね。HTMLを書き書きするだけでサクサク作れちゃうところはいいのですが、もうちょっとSencha TouchみたいにいろんなUIを使いたいところです。 そこで、jQueryでもCarousel風のUIをサクサクッと作れ

                                            iPhone SafariでCarousel風のUIを実現するjQuery Plugin「jCarousel」作りました - くらげだらけ
                                          • jQuery plugin: ‘autoResize’ - James Padolsey

                                            I remember googling for something of this nature a while ago but all I found were countless attempts using the cols and/or rows attribute of the textarea, thus making it pretty useless if you weren’t using a fixed-width font. Inspired by Jason Frame’s method, I’ve created an animating ‘autoResize’ jQuery plugin. Although it was inspired by his plugin it has a few slight differences, most notably t

                                            • Awkward Showcase – A jQuery Plugin | Awkward Group - Digital Production Agency

                                              Awkward Showcase is a plugin for the JavaScript Framework jQuery. We call it a Content Slider. But it can do more then just slide the content. For example you can add tooltips, enable thumbnails, activate dynamic height and lots more. Since version 1.0 it’s integrated with our Viewline Plugin enabling new innovative ways for displaying content on your website. Download on BitBucketView Demo

                                              • jQuery Boilerplate - jQuery Plugin Registry

                                                Suddenly you come across the idea of ​​wanting to make a web page, but then a new word comes your way that you may not know. The plugins. What? It turns out that as soon as you see her you are scared, but calm down. It is nothing that complicated, and it turns out that they are quite an important tool when it comes to making your website. In fact, there are some essential plugins for a web page, s

                                                • Facebook Wall jQuery Plugin: neosmart fb.wall

                                                  Our jQuery plugin fb.wall was a nice plugin to display the Facebook Wall of a user or a page on your website. The design of the wall derives from the Facebook look’n’feel and can be customized easily via CSS. We developed fb.wall in 2010 and our plugin became very popular all over the world. Since 2010 Facebook changed their Graph API a lot of times, they added server request limits and the need o

                                                  • 画像のズーム効果、画像の一部を拡大表示|jQuery plugin|Ajax|PHP & JavaScript Room

                                                    jQueryを使用して、簡単に画像にズーム効果を付ける方法が掲載されています。 使用する画像は原寸大の画像1枚。 img要素のwidth/height属性にサムネイル表示時のサイズを指定しておきます。 サムネイル画像にマウスがのった時に、画像をサムネイル表示時よりCSSで画像サイズを25%大きくするアニメーションを行い、z-indexをあげて他の要素より上に表示するようにしています。 マウスが離れた時に、CSSで画像サイズを元のサイズに戻すアニメーションを行い、z-indexを元に戻す方法がとられています。 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://w

                                                      画像のズーム効果、画像の一部を拡大表示|jQuery plugin|Ajax|PHP & JavaScript Room
                                                    • Blend, a jQuery plugin effect for CSS backgrounds

                                                      Atlanta based web design firm specializing in providing fast loading, interactive websites with content-driven design.Instructions In addition to your regular CSS ':hover' style, a class of 'hover' must be added for targeted elements. This is required because there is no way for JavaScript to detect the CSS ':hover' styles, which are essential to this plugin. Normal CSS :hover style: #navHome:hov

                                                      • Supersized – Full Screen Background/Slideshow jQuery Plugin « Build Internet

                                                        This is an outdated version! Supersized has been moved and updated to a more permanent home at the official Supersized project page. Check there for the latest release notes and features! If you are interested in this specific legacy version, you can download it here for now. Features Resizes images to fill browser while maintaining image dimension ratio No extra whitespace, no scrollbars – the en

                                                        • Lettering.js - A jQuery plugin for radical web typography.

                                                          Features + Uses Web type is exploding all over the web but CSS currently doesn't offer complete down-to-the-letter control. So we created a jQuery plugin to give you that control. Here are a few examples of what can easily be done with Lettering.js:

                                                          • nyroModal v2 :: jQuery Plugin

                                                            Edito Designers seem to like using modal windows more and more, as they provide a quick way to show data without reloading the entire page. It's easy to use and easy to design. The big problem I experienced with every plugin I tried either using Prototype/Scriptaculous or jQuery is the customization. They say you can do whatever you want simply but that's not fully true. The default CSS works fine

                                                            • Sticky-Kit | jQuery plugin for sticky elements

                                                              Reference To install include jquery.sticky-kit.js after including jQuery. Usage: $("#sticky_item").stick_in_parent(); // or $("#sticky_item").stick_in_parent(options); You can pass a hash of options to configure how Sticky Kit works. The following options are accepted, each one is optional: parent — The element will be the parent of the sticky item. The dimensions of the parent control when the st

                                                              • ウィンドウ、モーダル|jQuery plugin|Ajax|PHP & JavaScript Room

                                                                Create a Beautiful Looking Custom Dialog Box With jQuery and CSS3〔CSS3を使用した角丸レイアウトのダイアログボックス〕 jGrowl〔Mac OS XのGrowl風にメッセージ表示〕 jQDialog plugin for jQuery〔軽量のダイアログプラグイン〕 jqModal〔通知ウィンドウ、ダイアログ、モーダルウィンドウを表示〕 jQuery Alert Dialogs (Alert, Confirm, & Prompt Replacements) 〔アラート、確認ダイアログ、入力プロンプトの作成〕 jQuery BlockUI Plugin〔ページや要素のブロック、モーダルダイアログ表示〕 jQuery Tools〔HTMLをオーバーレイ〕 LeaveNotice jQuery Plugin〔リンク先遷移時に通知

                                                                  ウィンドウ、モーダル|jQuery plugin|Ajax|PHP & JavaScript Room
                                                                • GitHub - kamens/jQuery-menu-aim: jQuery plugin to fire events when user's cursor aims at particular dropdown menu items. For making responsive mega dropdowns like Amazon's.

                                                                  You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                                                    GitHub - kamens/jQuery-menu-aim: jQuery plugin to fire events when user's cursor aims at particular dropdown menu items. For making responsive mega dropdowns like Amazon's.
                                                                  • Booklet - jQuery Plugin

                                                                    • AnimateScroll - jQuery Plugin

                                                                      What is it exactly? AnimateScroll is a jQuery plugin which enables you to scroll to any part of the page in style by just calling the animatescroll() function with the Id or Classname of the element where you want to scroll to. Basic usage: $('body').animatescroll(); Click for a Demo It gives power to the user with its various options to customize the style of scrolling, scroll speed and many more

                                                                        AnimateScroll - jQuery Plugin
                                                                      • DatePicker - jQuery plugin

                                                                        About Date Picker component with a lot of options and easy to fit in your web application. Last update 22.05.2009 - Check Download tab Features Flat mode - as element in page Multiple calendars in the component Allows single, multiple or range selection Mark dates as special, weekends, special days Easy to customize the look by changing CSS Localiation for months' and days' names Custom day to sta

                                                                        • jQueryGlobe - jQuery Plugin - Feature List

                                                                          I love the simplicity of using (and more important re-using) jQuery plugins. So I decided to release a plugin that came from my personal need - Feature List. This jQuery plugin enables simple and easy creation of an interactive "Featured Items" widget. You can see the demo at this page, and you can download the complete source code with examples from here. What’s So Great About this Plugin? Slick

                                                                          • Mosaic – Sliding Boxes and Captions jQuery Plugin « Build Internet

                                                                            The most popular tutorial on Build Internet is now a jQuery plugin. Welcome aboard, Mosaic. Sliding Boxes Revisited The original sliding boxes tutorial is undoubtedly our most popular tutorial, with about 660,000 views as of this post. Given our recent surge in releasing plugins, we decided to add sliding boxes to the roster – say hello to the Mosaic jQuery plugin. Features Automatically generates

                                                                              Mosaic – Sliding Boxes and Captions jQuery Plugin « Build Internet
                                                                            • ColorPicker - jQuery plugin

                                                                              About A simple component to select color in the same way you select color in Adobe Photoshop Last update 23.05.2009 - Check Download tab Features Flat mode - as element in page Powerful controls for color selection Easy to customize the look by changing some images Fits into the viewport License Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses. Examples Flat mode. $('#colorpickerHolder').ColorPicker({

                                                                              • com.overset.dev» Blog Archive » Animated Sortable Datagrid jQuery plugin - jTPS

                                                                                jTPS is a datatable jQuery plugin that offers pagination, animated scrolling through pages and intelligent natural sorting capability. The development version is currently 15KB. DEMO ASSETS As they currently reside on Google Code jTPS.js - LATEST - core jTPS jQuery plugin code jTPS.css - styles required by jTPS jTPS.html - demonstration html instantiating jTPS remaining assets - graphics CHANGELOG

                                                                                • 1ページスクロールがつくれる jQuery Plugin特集【One Page Scroll】 | InfinityScope

                                                                                  スクロールすると次のコンテンツへとつないでいき、商品やプロダクトなどを印象的にみせてくれる、1ページで完結するタイプのサイトを作成するときに参考にしたいパララックスやフリップ型などのjQuery Pluginを集めました。 1ページスクロールがつくれる jQuery Plugin特集【One Page Scroll】is a post from:InfinityScope 投稿全文を表示する - View All Content Follow Me : FaceBook Page InfinityScope 関連オススメ記事モバイルメニューを実装する多機能 jQuery plugin『mmenu』ページを縦横斜めに、滑らかにスクロールすることが出来るJS,jQueryプラグインから4選「Masonry」のようなPinterest風デザインを実装できる jQuery pluginをいくつかリ

                                                                                    1ページスクロールがつくれる jQuery Plugin特集【One Page Scroll】 | InfinityScope