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  • Modern PHP Programming @ PFI Seminar

    Webアプリケーション構築用スクリプト言語として進化し続けるPHPの今とこれからについて講演します。この一年、PHP 5.6リリースを始め、PHPの進化系とも言えるHack/HHVMの公開など、PHPには様々な話題がありました。PHPNGとしてアナウンスされた次期メジャーバージョンアップPHP 7.0の話題等、今後の方向と課題についてもとりあげます。

      Modern PHP Programming @ PFI Seminar
    • Modern PHP Programming 入門 @ PFI 社内セミナー - 肉とビールとパンケーキ by @sotarok

      バイトとしてお世話になっている,PFIで,「モダンPHPプログラミング入門」について,社内セミナーでお話してきました. 約一時半,Ustもながしつつ,社員の皆さんから質問をうけつつ.長々と,しゃべってしまいました. 対象者は,PFIの社員さんのように 他のプログラミング言語を知っている 「PHPって,HTMLの中に <?php とかって書くやつでしょ?」とか未だに思ってる 昔触ったことあったけど最近のPHPしらない みたいな人.そんな内容です. テンプレート言語と言われるPHPですが,プログラミング風の機能もたくさんついているんだぁ!ということを感じていただければ嬉しいです(w Modern PHP Programming @ PFI SeminarView more documents from sotarok. Ust の録画: Ustream.tv: ユーザー preferred:

        Modern PHP Programming 入門 @ PFI 社内セミナー - 肉とビールとパンケーキ by @sotarok
      • FrankenPHP: the modern PHP app server

        Ryan Weaver, long-time contributor to the PHP ecosystem, needs our help! Please consider making a donation now to support him.

          FrankenPHP: the modern PHP app server
        • Modern PHP Testing Framework “Codeception” を使って簡単なブラウザテストをする

          画面が正しく表示されているのか、を確認したいときにSeleniumを使うのは大変だなーと調べていたらCodeceptionを見つけました Codeception PHP Testing Framework is designed to work just out of the box. This means its installation requires minimal steps and no external dependencies preinstalled (except PHP, of course). Only one configuration step should be taken and you are ready to test your web application from an eye of actual user. だそうです。 導入は簡単、Quick

            Modern PHP Testing Framework “Codeception” を使って簡単なブラウザテストをする
          • GitHub - php-pm/php-pm: PPM is a process manager, supercharger and load balancer for modern PHP applications.

            You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

              GitHub - php-pm/php-pm: PPM is a process manager, supercharger and load balancer for modern PHP applications.
            • GitHub - bobthecow/Ruler: A simple stateless production rules engine for modern PHP

              You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                GitHub - bobthecow/Ruler: A simple stateless production rules engine for modern PHP
              • Modern PHP Without a Framework | Kevin Smith

                I’ve got a challenge for you. The next time you start a new project, try not using a PHP framework. Now, this isn’t an anti-framework screed. Neither is it a promotion of not-invented-here thinking. After all, we’re going to be using some packages written by several framework developers in this tutorial. I’ve got nothing but great respect for the innovation going on in that space. This isn’t about

                • Modern PHP | Dimitrios Lytras

                  Modern PHPWhile I wasn't paying attention, PHP got quite good The last time I've used PHP was probably around 2017, although it was just in the context of supporting some WordPress sites. By that time 7.2 had already been released, but I had no idea. I wanted to avoid working with PHP at all costs. This month I took some time to check what good things have been added to the language that I was una

                    Modern PHP | Dimitrios Lytras
                  • My Modern PHP Development Setup · John Mackenzie | Software Engineer

                    tl;dr Use a Makefile and make good use of it Run everything in Docker Use CS Fixer To Adhere To Coding Standards Use PHP Stan Syncronise your team IDE’s with .editorconfig Use a Makefile and make good use of it Most developers use Makefiles, but very few use them effectively. Below is an example of my typical Makefile container=app up: docker-compose up -d build: docker-compose rm -vsf docker-comp

                      My Modern PHP Development Setup · John Mackenzie | Software Engineer
                    • Modern PHP

                      Read it now on the O’Reilly learning platform with a 10-day free trial. O’Reilly members get unlimited access to books, live events, courses curated by job role, and more from O’Reilly and nearly 200 top publishers. Book description PHP is experiencing a renaissance, though it may be difficult to tell with all of the outdated PHP tutorials online. With this practical guide, you’ll learn how PHP ha

                        Modern PHP
                      • Modern PHP Programming

                        PFI seminar 20091126

                          Modern PHP Programming
                        • How to Make Modern PHP More Modern? With Preprocessing! — SitePoint

                          Let’s have a bit of fun. A while ago, I experimented with PHP macros, adding Python range syntax. Then, the talented SaraMG mentioned an RFC, and LordKabelo suggested instead adding C#-style getters and setters to PHP. Aware of how painfully slow it can be for an outsider to suggest and implement a new language feature, I took to my editor… The code for this tutorial can be found on Github. It’s b

                            How to Make Modern PHP More Modern? With Preprocessing! — SitePoint
                          • Modern PHP features explained - PHP 8.0 and 8.1 - Laravel News

                            { if (! this.initialized) { search.start(); this.initialized = true; } if (value) { setTimeout(() => { this.$el.querySelector('input').focus(); }, 100); } }); }, }" x-dialog x-model="searchModalIsOpen" x-cloak class="fixed inset-0 z-10" @keydown.slash.meta.window="searchModalIsOpen = !searchModalIsOpen" @keydown.k.meta.window="searchModalIsOpen = !searchModalIsOpen" @keydown.escape.window="searchM

                              Modern PHP features explained - PHP 8.0 and 8.1 - Laravel News
                            • Improving WordPress Code With Modern PHP — Smashing Magazine

                              Due to backwards compatibility, WordPress hasn’t taken advantage of new PHP features released after PHP 5.2.4. Fortunately, WordPress will soon require PHP 5.6+ and even PHP 7.0+ not long after that. The recent release of Gutenberg could be a sign of the good times to come. In this article, Leonardo Losoviz makes a tour of the PHP features newly-available to WordPress, and attempts to suggest how

                                Improving WordPress Code With Modern PHP — Smashing Magazine