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  • Didthis

    Never forget a step in your passion projectsJournal your progress on your hobby journeys with images, text, or links that are a snap to capture in the moment. Record and reflect on the wins and setbacks, and celebrate your growth. Keep your projects private, or share them with the people who appreciate your process.

    • 無料で写真や文章をひっそりとインターネットに記録できるサービス「Didthis」をMozillaが公開したので使ってみた

      Firefoxの開発元であるMozillaが、趣味の記録に特化したサービス「Didthis」を公開しました。Didthisでは活動の記録を内容ごとに分類して投稿でき、「騒がしさから離れた居心地のいいウェブ」を目指すために投稿内容はあえてデフォルトで「非公開」に設定されるとのこと。すでに日本でもウェブアプリ版が使用可能だったので、実際に使ってみました。 Didthis https://didthis.app/ Didthis A New App for Hobbyists https://blog.mozilla.org/en/internet-culture/introducing-didthis-a-new-app-for-hobbyists/ ・目次 ◆1:Didthisのアカウントを作成する手順 ◆2:最初の活動記録を投稿する手順 ◆3:プロジェクトを編集する手順 ◆4:活動記録を追

      • Didthis A New App for Hobbyists | The Mozilla Blog

        Everyone has a hobby. More generally, everyone has things they’re interested in or passionate about. And pursuing those interests is one of the big reasons that we use the Web. The online world is a great place to connect with our fellow hobbyists and enthusiasts, to learn from them, and to share our own knowledge and accomplishments. But so much of this happens today in online spaces where things

          Didthis A New App for Hobbyists | The Mozilla Blog
        • Didthis Sunset | Didthis

          Didthis Sunset AnnouncementOctober 15, 2024 Dear Didthis Community, We are sad to announce that Didthis will be shutting down on November 15th. This includes the Didthis app, website, and Discord. We understand that this may come as unexpected news, and we’re incredibly grateful for the time you’ve spent with us sharing your projects with the Didthis community. We’ve been inspired by the wonderful
