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41 - 80 件 / 2207件

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Healthの検索結果41 - 80 件 / 2207件

  • Allied Health - Emerald Hills Medical Centre - Leppington

    At our medical centre, we have male and female physiotherapist, exercise physio, chiropractor, dietitian, psychologist and podiatrist.

      Allied Health - Emerald Hills Medical Centre - Leppington
    • Drug & Alcohol Testing - My Family Health Medical Centre - Gregory Hills

      Drug and alcohol testing is one of the strategies that can be used to help manage the risk.  If you are conducting a business that has requirement of having compulsory drug and alcohol testing, we can certainly help you.  Currently my family health is helping range of local business to conduct drug and alcohol testing.  There are different types of drug and alcohol testing options; for example, pr

        Drug & Alcohol Testing - My Family Health Medical Centre - Gregory Hills
      • Ear Cleaning | Corporate Health | My Family Health Medical Centre

        Healthy workforce is crucial for the growth of any organisation. We help your company to ensure health and safety of your team. Our doctors, at My Family Health Medical Centre, also do ear cleaning and wax removal for your workers who work in dusty conditions.

          Ear Cleaning | Corporate Health | My Family Health Medical Centre
        • Dietitian - Allied Health - Emerald Hills Medical Centre

          We have on-site Accredited Practising Dietitians who can help you for range of clinical conditions and have a thorough understanding of diet disease relationships. Following are the common areas / conditions where a dietitian can help you. Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Weight Loss Hyperlipidaemia Irritable Bowel Syndrome Low FODMAP Diet Food Chemical Sensitivities RPAH Elimination Diet Hypertension Mal

            Dietitian - Allied Health - Emerald Hills Medical Centre
          • Pre-Employment Medicals | Corporate Health | My Family Health Medical Centre

            When it comes to Pre-Employment Medicals, our doctors have diverse experience. My Family Health Medical Cantre is currently partnering with many businesses in the Macarthur region to help them for Pre-Employment Medicals. We understand each industry requires unique Medical assessment, so we provide health assessment according to your industry requirements. For example, Pre-Employment Medical Asses

              Pre-Employment Medicals | Corporate Health | My Family Health Medical Centre
            • Injury Management | Corporate Health | My Family Health Medical Centre

              In case of any injury, your worker will have quick access to a doctor to receive appropriate medical treatment. If there is a need for further treatment, our staff will coordinate with hospital or relevant specialist to organise referral / appointment.  Our doctors will help for continued management for injured worker and set an appropriate return to work plan.  Such approach facilitates and help

                Injury Management | Corporate Health | My Family Health Medical Centre
              • COVID-19 outbreak on the Diamond Princess cruise ship: estimating the epidemic potential and effectiveness of public health countermeasures

                COVID-19 outbreak on the Diamond Princess cruise ship: estimating the epidemic potential and effectiveness of public health countermeasures

                  COVID-19 outbreak on the Diamond Princess cruise ship: estimating the epidemic potential and effectiveness of public health countermeasures
                • HP製ノートPCでバッテリー持続時間とパフォーマンスが低下する問題 ~Microsoftがパッチを公開/「HP Battery Health Manager」の設定に問題

                    HP製ノートPCでバッテリー持続時間とパフォーマンスが低下する問題 ~Microsoftがパッチを公開/「HP Battery Health Manager」の設定に問題
                  • RailCorp Health Assessment - Emerald Hills Medical Centre

                    Emeral Hills Medical Centre is able to perform Rail Medicals and issue a Rail Medical Certificate. We have drug and alcohol testing, eye sight testing and audio testing onsite. Please phone to make an appointment with Dr Ben today.

                      RailCorp Health Assessment - Emerald Hills Medical Centre
                    • Skin Screening | Corporate Health | My Family Health Medical Centre

                      In Australia, those who work in an open environment are on high risk of skin cancer. Our doctors can help your company to conduct a detail skin check and assessment for your team. Your team member will also receive information that how they can protect and monitor any changes on their skin.

                        Skin Screening | Corporate Health | My Family Health Medical Centre
                      • Pre-Employment Health Check - Emerald Hills Medical Centre

                        When it comes to Pre-Employment Medicals, our doctors have diverse experience. Emerald Hills Medical Centre is currently partnering with many businesses in the Macarthur region to help them for Pre-Employment Medicals. We understand each industry requires unique Medical assessment, so we provide health assessment according to your industry requirements. For example: Pre-Employment Medical Assessme

                          Pre-Employment Health Check - Emerald Hills Medical Centre
                        • Railcorp Health Assessment - My Family Health Medical Centre

                          My Family Health Medical Centre is able to perform Rail Medicals and issue a Rail Medical Certificate. We have drug and alcohol testing, eye sight testing and audio testing onsite. To avail our service please call and make an appointment with us.

                            Railcorp Health Assessment - My Family Health Medical Centre
                          • Minor Surgical Procedures Services | My Family Health Centre

                            We are well equipped with modern and advanced treatment rooms, operating lights, electrical beds and all the latest medical equipment to carry out minor surgical procedures. Our doctors at My Family Health Centre are able to perform minor surgical procedures. These include but are not limited to:

                              Minor Surgical Procedures Services | My Family Health Centre
                            • Annual Health Assessments | Corporate Health | My Family Health Medical Centre

                              Healthy workforce is crucial for the growth of any organisation. A regular General Health Assessments assist your organisation to have a detailed understating of the health of your workforce and encourage your them to better look after their health. It also helps your company to recognise and adopt better health and wellness strategies at workplace. Improved health can bring an overall advancement

                                Annual Health Assessments | Corporate Health | My Family Health Medical Centre
                              • Corporate Health Services | Gregory Hills Medical Centre

                                We partner with our clients to provide best health solutions for your staff. In case of any injury, your worker will have quick access to a doctor to receive appropriate medical treatment. If there is a need for further treatment, our staff will coordinate with hospital or relevant specialist to organise referral / appointment. Drug and alcohol testing is one of the strategies that can be used to

                                  Corporate Health Services | Gregory Hills Medical Centre
                                • Spirometry Testing | Corporate Health | My Family Health Medical Centre

                                  We help your company to ensure health and safety of your team. Any industry where workers may inhale small particles/fumes need regular spirometry test. If your company is involved in the construction work, dealing with chemicals, working in dusty environment, or in any other work where your team has exposure to infectious substances, we can help you to organise spirometry test. Such intervention

                                    Spirometry Testing | Corporate Health | My Family Health Medical Centre
                                  • Workplace Flu Vaccinations - My Family Health Medical Centre -

                                    Immunizations are the best preventive approach to health problem and recommended for adults depending on their age, type of work and occupation, for travel and in the case of injury. Depending on need, we can provide, Tetanus vaccination, annual flu vaccination, Typhoid, Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B, measles, mumps and rubella, rabies. If any of your worker required specific vaccination, please con

                                      Workplace Flu Vaccinations - My Family Health Medical Centre -
                                    • Postgres.AI / postgres-checkup – automated PostgreSQL health checks · GitLab

                                      [Beta] postgres-checkup: PostgreSQL Health Check and SQL Performance Analysis

                                        Postgres.AI / postgres-checkup – automated PostgreSQL health checks · GitLab
                                      • My Family Health Medical Centre - Antenatal Care - Gregory Hills

                                        Dr Ben Touma and Dr Atifa Khan both provide Antenatal Shared care to patients. GP Antenatal Shared Care is antenatal care, when your antenatal care is shared between the maternity unit of your local public hospital and an ANSC GP. It provides high quality care, from a multidisciplinary team, at a low cost to you if you have a Medicare card.

                                          My Family Health Medical Centre - Antenatal Care - Gregory Hills
                                        • 大規模アジャイルのヘルスメトリクス〜Large-Scale Agile Health Metrics

                                          TL;DR時間がないので大規模アジャイルのヘルスメトリクスだけ手っ取り早く知りたいという方のために、メトリクスは以下です。 ちょうど1スプリントよりも長く存在するバックログの量エンドユーザーが追加説明なしで理解できるプロダクトバックログアイテムの割合開発者1人あたりの1日のコミット数トランクへ直接コミットする割合スプリントで選択されたPBIのうち、前回のスプリントレビュー前には存在しなかったPBIの割合スプリント終了時の着手済みの未完了アイテムスプリントごとに進行中の祖先全チームがオフィスにいる週の日数完成の定義メトリクスを見て興味が湧いた方はぜひ続きを読んで見てください。 大規模アジャイルのヘルスメトリクスについて語る目的講演の中で、通常は特定の指標については話していない、メトリクスに関する組織のダイナミクスと、メトリクスが組織内でどのように使用されているかに興味があるからだと言っていま

                                            大規模アジャイルのヘルスメトリクス〜Large-Scale Agile Health Metrics
                                          • General Practice Services | Corporate Health | My Family Health Medical Centre

                                            Our doctors have passion to provide best health services to the general public and to the local businesses. Our highly skilled multidisciplinary team of medical and allied health professionals specialise in occupational injury prevention, injury management, as well as general health check-ups and medical services. Our team consist of male and female doctors, physiotherapist, exercise physio, chiro

                                              General Practice Services | Corporate Health | My Family Health Medical Centre
                                            • Stress Management | Corporate Health | My Family Health Medical Centre

                                              Poor work environment, a tragic event, work pressure, chronic disease, workplace bullying, and violence are the some of the main causes of psychological injury to workers. Such injury can have adverse effects for employee’s wellbeing and on overall business. In such event our psychologist services can help to provide assessment and counselling to resolve stress related problems.

                                                Stress Management | Corporate Health | My Family Health Medical Centre
                                              • Commercial Drivers Medical | Corporate Health | My Family Health Medical Centre

                                                As a part of pre-employment chek-up , My Family Health also provides Commercial Vehicle Driver Medicals. Our doctors conduct the commercial vehicle driver medicals to assess health issues that may affect a driver’s ability to drive safely. Currently we are providing this service to many truck and other logistics companies across Macarthur region. This helps companies to make sure their drivers per

                                                  Commercial Drivers Medical | Corporate Health | My Family Health Medical Centre
                                                • ファビピラビル(アビガン)臨床研究に関する報道について | 藤田医科大学 - Fujita Health University

                                                  本日、ファビピラビル(アビガン)の臨床研究に関する報道につきまして、誤解を招き、事実誤認となりかねない、共同通信社配信の記事と、Bloomberg社配信の記事について、18時よりWeb記者会見を行い、ご報告できる事実について改めて情報提供を行いました。 今後とも正しい情報提供に努めてまいります。

                                                    ファビピラビル(アビガン)臨床研究に関する報道について | 藤田医科大学 - Fujita Health University
                                                  • Rehealthの自己紹介 - A view of health for all 〜「まち」「ひと」「もの」に健康観を

                                                    本日もblogをご覧いただきありがとうございます(^^) Rehealthの紹介をさせていただきます😊 Rehealthについて 作業療法士「Occupational therapis」とは? 作業療法士の凄いところ 「まち」「ひと」「もの」の健康観 日常生活がリハビリ Rehealthについて Rehealthではセラピストが日々意識している日常。 「まち」「ひと」「もの」の健康観について記事にしています。 アイコンの3つの葉は「まち」「ひと」「もの」の象徴で、この葉を育むことをイメージしています。 3つの葉は健康観の葉であり育むことで健康観向上を目指します。 私は作業療法士国家資格所持者です。→セラピスト 医療、介護保険分野でのリハビリを行なっています。 高齢者の生活期(維持期)分野が得意。 所持資格 作業療法士(国家資格) ウォーキング療法士 介護支援専門員(ケアマネージャー) 福

                                                      Rehealthの自己紹介 - A view of health for all 〜「まち」「ひと」「もの」に健康観を
                                                    • Sports Related Injury - My Family Health Medical Centre - Gregory Hills

                                                      If an injury happens while you are performing any sport or doing work-out in a gym our experienced team can help you. Our physio, chiropractor and exercise physiotherapist can help you for any sprain and strains, muscle pain, neck pain, fractures and knee injuries. Each case if different, please discuss with our health team to get best possible help.

                                                        Sports Related Injury - My Family Health Medical Centre - Gregory Hills
                                                      • Resynth1943 - Your Ultimate Destination for Business, Education, Gaming, Health, Lifestyle, News, Software, and Sports

                                                        In today’s fast-paced world, it can be easy to lose touch with our senses. We often find ourselves rushing from Read more

                                                          Resynth1943 - Your Ultimate Destination for Business, Education, Gaming, Health, Lifestyle, News, Software, and Sports
                                                        • Google Cloud Service Health

                                                          Google Cloud Service Health Incidents Multiple Google Cloud services in the europe-west9-a zone are impacted Service Health This page provides status information on the services that are part of Google Cloud. Check back here to view the current status of the services listed below. If you are experiencing an issue not listed here, please contact Support. Learn more about what's posted on the dashbo

                                                          • Audiometry Testing | Corporate Health | My Family Health Medical Centre

                                                            We can help your company to have hearing screening to recruit right staff. If you are hiring workers who will be working in a noisy environment, as a part of pre-employment heath checks, we can help your company to have hearing screening to recruit right staff. We can also provide regular audiometry testing, so that your organisation will maintain health and wellbeing of your team and avoid any oc

                                                              Audiometry Testing | Corporate Health | My Family Health Medical Centre
                                                            • Return to Work Plan | Corporate Health | My Family Health Medical Centre

                                                              We help your company to maintain better health for your team and to avoid any future injuries. After a work-related injury, it is always worrying for a worker as well as for the company to find suitable duties to avoid any further health issues. In such cases our doctors and allied health team work together and consult with the injured worker, the site supervisors and managers to develop a return-

                                                                Return to Work Plan | Corporate Health | My Family Health Medical Centre
                                                              • Open Source and Mental Health - Redox - Your Next(Gen) OS

                                                                By jackpot51 on Saturday, June 12, 2021 A dear friend of mine and prolific Redox OS contributor, jD91mZM2, passed away in March of 2021, at the age of 18. He was involved in the Redox OS Summer of Code for 2018, 2019, and 2020. He was instrumental in developing all aspects of Redox OS, from the kernel, to relibc, to porting programs. His work was detailed in his own words in a number of news posts

                                                                • Health APIでメンテナンス必要な件数をMackerelで可視化 - Qiita

                                                                  はじめに AWSでメンテナンスが行われる場合、それぞれのアカウントに対してメールで通知が行われます。 対象のアカウントが多いと、メールも大量になり、重要なメンテナンス通知を漏らすことがあります。 (メールの文面が変わってしまったりすることもあり、完全にフィルタリングを行うことは難しいです。。。) Health APIを用いると、APIで必要なメンテナンス情報を取得することができるので、対応漏れを防ぐことができます。 ドキュメントにあるように、Healthイベントのステータス変化をイベントとして、再起動や通知を行ったりもできますが、今回は対処が必要なリソースが、どのアカウントで何件あるのかをMackerelで確認できるようにしたいと思います。 構成 簡単ですが構成は以下の通りです。 日次でCloudWatch EventsからLambdaをスケジュール起動し、各アカウントのメンテナンス情報を

                                                                    Health APIでメンテナンス必要な件数をMackerelで可視化 - Qiita
                                                                  • Blog - My Family Health Medical Centre - Gregory Hills

                                                                    Antenatal care is really helpful to pregnant women to make themself healthy and baby. Once your pregnancy is confirmed, it’s important to see your GP

                                                                    • my_dsns_timeline - 100%health

                                                                      1925年 07月11日 Володимир Вернадський (Vladimir Vernadsky : ウラジーミル・ヴェルナツキイ)のソルボンヌ大学での講義を修正し、一部を収録した講義録"La Geochimie (『地球化学概論』)”が出版される。1922年から1923年にかけてソルボンヌ大学へ招聘されており、そこで地球科学に関する講義を行っていた。 1928年 ??月??日 1927年から1928年にかけて、コレージュ・ド・フランスでEdouard Le Roy(エドゥアール・ル・ロワ)が人間の進化についての講義を行う。 この講義は1922年から1923年にかけて行われたVladimir Vernadskyのソルボンヌ大学での講義に影響を受けており、この講義ではじめて”noosphere (「精神圏」)”という言葉が使われた。講義中、「精神圏」概念の共作者としてPierre

                                                                      • Shinzo Abe: Japan's PM resigns for health reasons

                                                                        Shinzo Abe announces his resignation on health grounds after a resurgence of a chronic disease.

                                                                          Shinzo Abe: Japan's PM resigns for health reasons
                                                                        • Chronic Disease Management - My Family Health Medical Centre

                                                                          My Family Health Medical Centre can help patients manage their chronic diseases with numerous resources and education. Chronic disease management requires early identification and appropriate preventative medicine as well as best practice strategies to keep chronic disease under control. We provide support for conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, asthma and chronic o

                                                                            Chronic Disease Management - My Family Health Medical Centre
                                                                          • Coronavirus, intensive care doctors in Lombardy: “Timely actions or disastrous health calamity”. The access priority hypothesis: “Whoever has the most chance of survival first” | News1 English

                                                                            < div id=”article-body-5729020″> Place a age limit for access to intensive care, based on the greatest possibilities of survival. That’s what the Italian society of anesthesia, analgesia, resuscitation and intensive care in a technical document related to the emergency coronavirus. “It may be necessary to place an age limit on entry into intensive care. It is not a question of making merely valuab

                                                                              Coronavirus, intensive care doctors in Lombardy: “Timely actions or disastrous health calamity”. The access priority hypothesis: “Whoever has the most chance of survival first” | News1 English
                                                                            • COVID-19 Information – Harvard University Health Services

                                                                              COVID-19 Information Respiratory illnesses including flu, COVID-19, and RSV impact millions each year. Protect yourself and others by wearing a high-quality face mask in crowded indoor settings; remaining at home if unwell; and staying up to date on vaccines.

                                                                              • Covid global health emergency is over, WHO says

                                                                                Close to 20 million people are likely to have died during the last three years, says the WHO.

                                                                                  Covid global health emergency is over, WHO says
                                                                                • COVID-19 and Your Health

                                                                                  COVID-19 spreads when an infected person breathes out droplets and very small particles that contain the virus. These droplets and particles can be breathed in by other people or land on their eyes, noses, or mouth. In some circumstances, they may contaminate surfaces they touch. Many viruses are constantly changing, including the virus that causes COVID-19. These changes occur over time and can l

                                                                                    COVID-19 and Your Health